Tag: Mom

  • Hollywood Reporter: Mom Edition


  • We Didn’t Win

    For those of you who can’t get enough of things my mom says, I had her play Game Time for the latest episode of Extra Hot Great, as I transcribed her answers. It was a maddeningly difficult Game Time where you listen to 21 clips of fictional languages from film and tv and have to…

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part Five (The Train)

    Mother on the Orient Express: Part Five (The Train)

    We only had one night on the Orient Express. You could go longer. You could start in Rome and have two nights on the train (and if I could do this again, and had much more money, this would be it.)

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part Four (Venice)

    Mother on the Orient Express: Part Four (Venice)

    Before I continue, I need to take a moment to compliment every single person who works for the brand that is Orient Express. Their attention to detail is phenomenal, but my travel agent Heather was so spectacular that I wrote letters of praise to anyone who would listen. So when I’m about to complain about…

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part Three

    Mother on the Orient Express: Part Three

    Yesterday would have been my parents’ 37th wedding anniversary. It made me remember how there was supposed to be a third person on this trip with my mom. Dad.

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part Two

    Mother on the Orient Express: Part Two

    Did I mention that seconds after Mom showed me her dead cell phone, I found her boarding pass on the floor of the restaurant? This is when I confiscated all of her travel documents, and would not let her have them in her possession… until we ended up in a fight while being forced to…

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part One

    Mother on the Orient Express: Part One

    While I was eating dinner tonight “Sentimental Journey” played over the restaurant’s speakers. I’m well aware that I probably heard it more because I was sensitive to hearing it, but I still think it was a gentle reminder that I needed to get my ass in gear and write up these stories.

  • RockMom!

    We did it! Go see!

  • Where the Huff-a-Lowe Roam.

    I’m on the couch of the Lowe and Huff’s in humid, sticky Georgia. For those of you who do not know Al and Chris, they are two people who met right here on pamie.com, fell in love and moved to Georgia, got married, and then their lives went a little something like a country song,…

  • Don’t Let Mom Down!

    This can’t be too long of a post, because I still have to pack and call a cab for the morning and other to-do list things before I leave for Atlanta at the crack of dawn (Happy birthday, Chris Huff!!), which means I don’t get to write about the fact that I’m about to meet…