Category: Pamie

  • i’m sick

    i will write more when i’m well if i ever recover.

  • a quick jot

    because i still consider myself on vacation Back from vacation. Very, very poor. Ih. Ate popcorn for dinner. A haiku, I think in these times: Vegas. I lost cash. I do every time I go. Why do I go back?

  • losers snooze

    the calm before the storm Tomorrow we leave for Vegas. Yeah, baby. It will be my 21st month anniversary with Eric. 21. A good number to go to Vegas with, as Eric noted. No updates for a couple of days, but I’m going to try and keep a paper journal and transcribe it to here.…

  • “the wind,” cried taylor.

    and why you should wear your seatbelt This morning we had a sort of a wind storm. It’s still windy right now, but it is more under control. Early in the morning however, it was so cold and windy that Taylor Dejardan (hater of wind) woke me up by running over my body back and…

  • a gift for you

    a headache for me So, I just wrote this huge entry, when my machine shut itself down and erased it. So, to recap, since I’m angry:

  • to auld lang syne

    to auld lang syne

    whatever that means Eric is home. He’s brought his little brother home with him. We had our Christmas. Two words: Bouncing. Tigger. I also got a scanner, so in a way Eric bought a gift for all of you. I got some new clothes, the Lauryn Hill CD, the Unkle CD, and two books: Free…

  • tix, hicks, and chicks

    i make plans to go to chicago, abandon a dead girl and have two children. and it’s only tuesday. Eric comes home tomorrow. And right now my mom is buying tickets for us to see Chicago. What you must understand is how much I love this musical… and I’ve never seen it. We had the…

  • whatchoolookinat?


    chuy guest hosts I started on my play. The writer’s block is over. I will probably just erase everything I wrote yesterday and rewrite, since it just isn’t working… but I think that today, I will turn the page over to Chuy, who will give a guest entry. Ladies and Gentlemen, Chuy! Let me start…

  • go me!

    trying to muscle some gumption and drive So here I am at work, on a Saturday, pulling in an extra shift to have maximum fun on next week’s Vegas Vacation. It’s really slow here… I don’t know if anyone’s gotten a call yet. I mean, who’s working on the day after Christmas? But.. I forgot…

  • ixnay on the short storynay

    pamie gets cultured Eric’s version of pig latin cracks me up. He never learned exactly how it goes, so he just says what he knows. “Ixnay on the presentsnay.” He knows “Ixnay,” but I don’t think he realizes what it stands for, and he doesn’t know how to rearrange the words to make it into…