Year: 2004

  • Dan tells a story while he hopes Pam is sleeeeeping

    Way, way back in college, I didn’t sleep a lot. I also smoked a pack a day, drank a tureen of Diet Coke, and literally could not be made to understand the health benefits of drinking water (ie. drink it or you’ll die), so I think I was dehydrated a lot. During this time, my…

  • Morning.

    Fametracker is really funny today. And that’s not because I got about three hours of sleep. stee directed me to this Onion piece on insomnia. I’ve been doing this one since I woke up: If you got less than three hours of sleep the previous night, it’s important to inform everyone you meet of that…

  • so early, so late

    You don’t have to check the time of this post. I’ll tell you. It’s four in the morning. I’ve learned an important lesson. When you decide to drink more Diet Coke than you have in about a year, it’s best not to do it at eleven at night. I’ve been trying to fall asleep for…

  • dan needs tech support

    We’ve been having way too much fun around here. So now, I present unto you, the most boring blog entry of all time, ever. I have two error messages pop up every time I turn on my computer. They may be the result of a Zone Alarm update that crashed in the middle and forced…

  • Andi and Hamish’s Wedding (apology)

    Andi and Hamish’s Wedding (apology)

    In college Amy was a double major in HELL and CRAZY. This meant she never slept and was always on top of things. She is now about to be a doctor. Her husband, Kevin, is about to be a lawyer. And together they will own Texas in about seven years.

  • obligatory wedding stories (dan edition)

    Ring. Dan: Hello? Pam: It’s Pam. Dan: My caller ID doesn’t disagree. Pam: We’re going to see four florists tomorrow. Dan: I have that thing tomorrow. Pam: Yes. That’s right. Crap. Dan: We’ll reschedule. I’ll call them. Is that okay? Pam: I can’t talk to these people again. They do flowers. They do not do…

  • obligatory wedding stories (random)

    The cost of alterations (a simple hem) is almost half the cost of the dress itself. I went in a few weeks ago and put on the dress, standing in front of their large mirrors. I had put the dress on twice since I’d gotten it home over the summer. No. Wait. Three times. The…

  • sing out loud

    Overheard this weekend as I walked back to my table after finishing a heartfelt rendition of “A Natural Woman”: [scripty] Guy #1 That’s hot. Guy #2 “That’s Hot?” Guy#3 Well… [/scripty] I was talking about this with Dan last night, how I always enter the Karaoke joint thinking, “Tonight I’ll just play it cool. Sit…

  • Proof I’m Turning Into My Mother #370 (in a series of 1000)

    Yesterday I checked a book out of the library that I realized this morning I’ve already read. This year. I checked out from the same library, which means its the exact same book.

  • W is for Waiting and Writing… and Wedding… and Work… and Wow.

    So here’s what it’s like, these days, to be me. It’s what it’s like to live this life, this place where each day is as unpredictable as the next. This morning we planned our honeymoon around Sundance, because stee and Frank are finalists for the filmmaker’s lab. They won’t know until December 17th if they…