Tag: Hustling
Podcast: Film Pigs: Silent Hill
The Film Pigs make alternate DVD commentary for movies that suck. This week they invited me to join them. Silent Hill (2006) What Halloween would be complete without an awkward video-game-to-movie translation? Watch in horror as a concerned mother deals with her child’s terrible nightmares about a town called “Silent Hill” by putting her daughter…
working it.
There’s no easy way to explain this, the amount of work, luck and good fortune that goes into a lovely combination of producer interest, agenting, and studio support. Everybody has to invest time and energy and smarts and faith in creating a new possibility. On the afternoon AB Chao was flying to Los Angeles, hours…
book tour info: los angeles
Tonight, 7:30. Barnes and Noble at The Grove, I’ll be reading from Why Moms Are Weird, answering questions and handing out gifts. Special guests AB Chao and something shiny. [And thank you, Evany, for making these readings sound super-sexy. (By the way, her book makes a very romantic gift.)]
reviews and book tour info
“…And when Pam writes about situations that might be traditionally wacky, she doesn’t turn away from the depth of how bad that sucks when it’s you. Another writer– a Chick Lit writer– might play the whole situation for superficial laughs, but not Pam. Don’t get me wrong, there’s laughter in the book, but it’s the…
viewer mail shuts me up.
[readermail] Dear Pamie, But what about “condos“? thanks, Felisa [/readermail] Oh. Yeah. And just like that I thought about “Nachos.” Hmm.
hey, look at that.
I never know how to approach the booksellers. I end up saying, “Hi, I wrote this. Do you want me to sign your stock?” It sounds so dumb when I say it, but I’m not sure what else to say. “Hi, I’ll write my name in each of these, because I really want you to…
this is a blurb.
“Ribon’s newest novel is hilarious and heartfelt. Why Moms Are Weird tackles the absurd morass of family with joyful wit and brutal honesty. I barrelled through this book.” — Jill Soloway, writer and co-executive producer of Six Feet Under, and author of Tiny Ladies In Shiny Pants. I like that blurb. Did you link to my…
Why Why Moms Are Weird
Within 24 hours of posting information about my new book, someone was already complaining on Amazon. This person was nice enough to repeatedly state she was a fan of my writing, but found the title to be disappointing, and wildly lacking in imagination. I’d been planning to tell the story of how Why Moms Are…
New Book Alert
I have a short story in this new collection. “What Happens Next” is the story of a woman who enters her local video store one night determined to leave with more than just the newest release. All proceeds from Girls’ Night Out benefit War Child and No Strings.