Tag: Dork
oh see de-nial
there’s a very strange but very real part of me that feels satisfied when the album cover and book title color-complement each other over there on the right hand sidebar. it’s even better when they’re both black and red and end up working with the color scheme of the entire site. this is the same…
Hello, Bay Area!
Tomorrow morning I’ll be getting up early to drive to lovely, lovely San Francisco. Won’t you please come join me at Borders? 400 Post Street San Francisco, CA Phone:415.399.1633 7pm In Topeka over the weekend, I signed a pair of work boots. The man took off his shoes and had me sign the tops of…
reason i might be buying a new computer #576.
I was wondering why I was getting double-takes from the people sitting next to me at the Kansas City airport. It wasn’t until the waitress handed me a check and gave a glare to my laptop that I realized Missouri might not be too pleased with my charming sense of humor. I need Sunday clothes…
oh, no.
The dangers of my Topeka hotel: And new to the list, after the final round of allergy scratch tests: pollens, or Why California Is Killing Me: California Black Walnut Olive Tree Cottonwood Bermuda Grass Maple Cypress (like you wouldn’t believe. my arm was livid!) Ash Willow Brome grass Alkali rye grass Perennial rye grass Kentucky…
warning: reading this might make you itchy
I’m a dork, so I took pictures of my allergy tests. Some of you are dorks, so I know you want to hear all about it. (I know you want to hear about it not because you’re a dork, but because you emailed to say, “Please, I want to know what happens when you go…
because i feel stuff.
To put it mildly, I’ve been dealing with an overabundance of feelings. Apparently this is all very healthy and normal, and I’m handling it with the closest I can come to grace. “Grace,” for me, is crying until snot falls, flailing around my bed like an angry pre-teen, whining to any friend who will listen…
Self-Absorbed Like Bounty.
Maybe less than a year ago I was the kind of person who rolled her eyes as she passed the self-help aisle of the bookstore. They all seemed like the same: “Why Don’t I Feel Normal?”: A Guide To Helping You Feel Normal. Now I’m that girl grabbing those books. Reading them. Using a pen.…
special delivery
I had a very dork/skank moment at my front door this morning. I could hear the postman walking up the steps, but I was only in a towel, and anywhere I could have gone he would have seen me. So I stood very close to the door, hidden behind it, as these arrived: