Tag: Stee

  • you know you’re right.

    I have a long history with being right. When I was a kid, I was right all the time. Knew the answers, knew why I knew the answers, knew what the next questions would be. Moving all the time meant I was always being given another series of placement tests, and I knew what those…

  • late-night guests

    Well, someone had fun in Los Angeles. I told AB she was really getting to see what my life is like out here, from the boring parts — extremely long shuttle rides from the airport, sitting in coffee shops for long hours, getting phone call updates from me while I’m out at pitch meetings, driving…

  • The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    [Previous entries: Pre-Marathon and Part One] Mile 13 As a reward, I put on my headphones. My marathon playlist keeps me moving. I see stee pass in his car down the highway. I’ll see him again in about an hour. I run the numbers. 15, 25, 27, 37, 39, 49, 51, 101. It’s all about…

  • pre-wedding conversation with the yalies.

    I went to a wedding this past weekend. The night before, I ended up in this conversation, which shows you my tolerance when it is assumed that girls suck.

  • wonder killer moment #496.

    [scripty] stee’s mom [laying down scrabble tiles] Doesn’t it look like “radios” should have an “e” before the “s”? stee Yeah, I guess so. stee’s mom I wonder if it should. pamie [who isn’t playing the game, but is nearby, reading a book] No, because there’s a vowel before the “o.” stee’s mom Excuse me?…

  • Why Why Moms Are Weird

    Within 24 hours of posting information about my new book, someone was already complaining on Amazon. This person was nice enough to repeatedly state she was a fan of my writing, but found the title to be disappointing, and wildly lacking in imagination. I’d been planning to tell the story of how Why Moms Are…

  • Cal-ifornia Love

    I think Cal has decided his time with us is over. About three weeks ago, I came home late and watched The Sopranos on the couch with stee. Afterwards, as I was falling asleep, stee asked, “Where’s Cal?” It wasn’t like him not to be on stee’s legs, or in front of the television, or…

  • snippets.

    A moment from last month.

  • my husband is funny.

    But he thinks I’m hilarious. I should never have let him see my memory book.

  • bad night. (warning: not for the squeamish or sympathetic.)

    So we hosted a small party last night, mostly comprised of people we’ve never met before. Five minutes after the first group of guests arrived, I was bleeding into the kitchen sink. This was not one of my better parties. Well, I can’t speak for the people who attended, but I wish I could send…