Tag: Samantha Who?
random workday distractions
It’s feeling very Monday in here. How about watching a little comedy from Liz Feldman? Or skip work and go see American Teen. (The Lifetime movie about my busted tailbone is called: I Only Cry When I Sneeze: The Dumbass Moves of Camle Riboy.)
punch-up: a process where we individually go through the writer’s first draft and offer up suggestions for jokes, story structure, and/or cuts. Then we get into one room and offer up all of our suggestions at the same time until the writer is convinced he or she should never write anything ever again while simultaneously…
Two Things
For those of you who are Liz Feldman fans, want to be Liz Feldman fans, or enjoy all things The L Word, here’s Liz’s new Internet show: This Just Out, with Liz Feldman. Liz is a 4-time Emmy winner for her work as a writer/producer on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Being the over-achiever that she…
whole lotta kolache
I woke up this morning and wanted sausage kolaches. Like, two kolaches. This is because you other homesick Texans have been sending me email about food I’ve forgotten about, and Lis sent the link to the Homesick Texan’s kolache recipe.
Almost Sleepytime for Dewey
That went quickly. It’s our second to last day for donations for the Rockhouse Foundation, or books to the Children’s Institute. There’s only a few hours left in the Samantha Who? set visit auction, and a very cute baby book prize in today’s donor raffle. Thanks again to the hundreds and hundreds of you who…
inbox, part eight.
It has been a very difficult week. Picketing in the rain was the least of the crappy things. So, when it gets like this I post mail from y’all, because it reminds me of how big and huge the world is, and how lucky I am. I kind of disappeared there for a month back…
what i get for tooling around the internet at this hour.
In the seemingly never-ending list of examples where my name is screwed up, this one is pretty good. …pretty, pretty, pretty good.
week four.
First: does anybody know why Moveable Type now hates me? It seems to be unable to understand that “inbox, part four” and “inbox, part five,” are not the same entry. Same with “Marathon, part one” and “marathon, part two.” Trying to rename the old entries doesn’t seem to help, as it doesn’t change them in…