Tag: Dork
fun and games
extended weekend dance remix Sorry about yesterday. There was a power outage at work for over an hour and I was in meetings the rest of the day. I’ll try and make it up to you. Next, I won’t be writing tomorrow, so here’s the extended dance remix Squishy to get you through the next…
for lack of an entry
i tell you how i freak out strangers Sometimes I get too busy. This is one of those weeks. I apologize for the brevity: Yesterday I went to the bank to deposit a check. I asked the teller about changing my account because right now I get charged for making transactions at the teller. She…
how to survive a journallers meeting
lessons i learned 1. Leave on time. Do not start looking for a copy of what you are planning on reading half an hour before you are due to arrive. Do not then accept a phone call that takes until two when the meeting is at two.
“I have sixty-two cats.”
if you ever hear me say that, please talk to me. I went home sick yesterday and promptly slept all afternoon. I guess that explains part of my crankiness. The down side? Not much happened yesterday. I was pretty much sleeping the whole time. Took Leaky Cat to the vet. They gave us pills and…
i go solo
and keep forgetting things about diane It’s all over. But I’ve got a good story. Friday afternoon I got to the Comedy Sportz playhouse bright and early (2:30pm) to go over the show with Chuy and then take a look at the stage. They were teaching a defensive driving class at the time, so I…
“did you remember to…”
why i might get killed backstage Sorry about the past couple of days. My computer access has been limited. To make it up to you, I offer a brand new Get Real Wrap on MightyBigTV. So tonight begins the weekend of comedy auditions. Tonight we do our sketch show for an HBO representative. I will…
losing my lunch.
why i order water I’m terrible about lunch dates. You know how sometimes you have to meet people for lunch that you don’t know very well? Usually it’s to discuss some upcoming project or something like that. I’m bad at this. I get too nervous. I always end up coming too early. I’ll show up…
what? who? huh?
losing my religion. and my keys. where’s my car? I want to be more organized. Right now I’m more unorganized than I’ve ever been in my entire life. My house is a mess. My carpets are stained. Dirty clothes have taken a corner of my bedroom hostage. My car smells like a Burger King. The…
bathtime horrors
or why i face the faucet when i bathe (flashback: inside pamie’s brain. Fifteen years old) (setting: pamie’s bathroom) Okay, you know what? I can’t remember the last time I took a bath. I think that’s what I’ll do. It’s been a while and I just got this new book and it’ll be real nice…
i ain’t no one’s kathie lee I took a little vacation yesterday. I did it because I couldn’t stay awake all day long. I just kept falling asleep and having the strangest dreams. For some reason in the dream the Donnie and Marie Behind the Music that I had been watching got melded with the…