Tag: Dork
sing out loud
Overheard this weekend as I walked back to my table after finishing a heartfelt rendition of “A Natural Woman”: [scripty] Guy #1 That’s hot. Guy #2 “That’s Hot?” Guy#3 Well… [/scripty] I was talking about this with Dan last night, how I always enter the Karaoke joint thinking, “Tonight I’ll just play it cool. Sit…
Proof I’m Turning Into My Mother #370 (in a series of 1000)
Yesterday I checked a book out of the library that I realized this morning I’ve already read. This year. I checked out from the same library, which means its the exact same book.
Big To-Do
So the holes in my yard aren’t caused by skunks. We’ve been spraying for grubs, sprinkling hot pepper and keeping motion detector lights on, and while I haven’t seen any more skunks skulking around, the holes didn’t cease. Then last week, when I was planting some tulip bulbs in the name of M. Tiny, I…
work in progress
I’m trying to work on a novella to meet my deadline (More info when available, but the anthology should be hitting bookshelves this June!) and decided listening to the new Bjork album for the first time would get me in the right mood to type up edits and rework certain paragraphs. Track Three has me…
lattes of the rich and the famous…
The constant social disconnect that is Hollywood can be fun, but it can also get frustrating. I’m at a Starbucks staring at a man who is either: A) Someone I met recently and had like, a single conversation with, which means I met him at a party, or I had a meeting with him, or…
I am so tired. I should be working on the book. It’s open. I read a few pages here and there, and decide it’s the worst thing I’ve ever written, as it’s about that time during the first draft that one decides these things. It’s hard to focus. We finished shooting the pilot today, spending…
Wonder Killer
I no longer trust anyone using a pay phone. I realized that the other week, watching someone hunched over a pay phone, reading something off a crumpled piece of paper. Was he lost? What was he doing? Sure, not everybody can afford a cell phone, I know that. But homeboy’s standing next to a Pizza…
Proof of Evil
It is way too early in the morning to be learning lessons, but that’s exactly what just happened to me. I had just cleaned up the entire kitchen and living room first thing in the morning (women out there, I’m sure you know what that means — unpredictable bursts of cleanliness), and I was making…
Pretty Pits
Do you like the new redesign? It’s all because Anna Beth is a good friend who hates looking at an ugly webpage. She did it all herself while I sat on my ass going, “I don’t like that color.” “Fix that.” “Make it work in Netscape.” Anyway, I love it, and I love her for…