Category: Pamie

  • the a to z's of where i've been

    Absent:  I’ve been absent all week.  I’m sorry. Bronchitis:  The reason I’ve been absent.  Spent yesterday in the emergency room.  I thought I had the flu, but Wednesday night I could hardly breathe.  Turns out the bronchitis triggered a mondo asthma attack, and they had me breathing through some smoky oxygen tube for thirty minutes…

  • thank you

    I wanted to make a special thank you to everyone who sent their holiday tidings this year.  In addition to the many holiday cards that are taped to my living room wall, we received several presents in the mail.  Your thank you card is on it’s way, but this is a little bit faster.

  • the aftermath

    the happy headache Wow. We opened mad presents yesterday, yo. I’m typing this wearing my new Melty t-shirt that Eric bought for me. It’s so happy and pretty and I love it so. I keep going back to this site to check out my new gift (which will be here in six to eight weeks).…

  • Letters

    a few notes to send out Dear Eric, As much as you love visiting your family, I’m very excited that you are coming home tonight. I wish it weren’t so late. I’m not too familiar with the new airport, so I don’t know if I’ll meet you at the gate or not. I’ll be somewhere…

  • Xmas Haul

    I wanted to make a special thank you to everyone who sent their holiday tidings this year.  In addition to the many holiday cards that are taped to my living room wall, we received several presents in the mail.  Your thank you card is on it’s way, but this is a little bit faster. Thank…

  • warm thoughts

    from a remote site Merry Christmas Eve. I made it to my parent’s house, and my favorite thing about the drive here (well, it’s really the only interesting thing to see on the entire drive…) is a sign that’s posted in front of a Pecan Stand.  It proudly boasts in large letters: WE BUY-SELL-CRACK Tee-hee.

  • very loud sound

    things that go poot in the night I don’t know when I’ll be able to update tomorrow, or if. I’ll be on the road for most of the morning, and then, you know, family and stuff. I’ll see what I can do. Last night Cal was making an insane amount of noise running around and…

  • We Miss Stee

    We Miss Stee

    I’m a poor substitute New Ally McBeal and Get Real Extra at Mighty Big TV. Since that’s what I spend eight to ten hours of my life doing, you might want to check that out. Sorry for the delay on the entry, but our network went down at work, so I had to wait until…

  • grumble, grumble

    watch out I can tell the holidays are coming because I’m very busy and completely mentally occupied. I’m not thinking about what I’m doing, but rather what I won’t be doing when my vacation gets here. I just crank out work, crank out essays, crank out code, but inside I’m thinking “three more days. three…

  • where's bosie?

    I was going to write about what could possibly have made me stay up all night Saturday playing a Video Fishing Game. I was going to write about the really cool new postcards at Mighty Big TV I was going to offer a list of things to do while Stee was away. But I don’t…