Category: Pamie

  • Television Without Pity » Gilmore Girls

    Pretty As A Picture – An episode with this many townies written by dan Palladino could have been as interesting as watching paint dry. But it clips along at a steady pace and is over before you know it. That doesn’t mean it’s full of exciting adventures. In fact, it’s stuffed with some of the…

  • book tour debate

    Sara Nelson explains why she didn’t have a book tour, causing Jennifer Weiner to stick up for the practice. Based on my own experiences, I’d tour a book all over the country if someone would let me. But I didn’t have a dime when this book came out, and was already into Save Karyn territory…

  • pamie gets reviewed by smart ladies

    I haven’t even had a cup of coffee yet this morning, but I’m already doing a jig because I got reviewed over at chicklit. If you’ve never visited their site before, you’re in for a real treat. Yes, Dan. I mean “Fun Stuff.”

  • couchbaron makes me feel less stupid

    I had to ask my agent, who graduated from Princeton, because I kept making this nod and knowing wince of the eyes whenever someone said the words “Eating Club.” As in: “I mean, there’s no reason she didn’t get the job, she was in the right eating club and everything.” I even pretended to know…

  • Scratch That.

    Our neighbors have a cat. It’s a tiny calico thing who makes the most pitiful mews and last year when it first started showing up, she would run to wherever you were and ram her head against your hand, demanding to be pet. And even though it would drive Cal absolutely nuts on the other…

  • new entry

    scratch that. For the first time ever, there’s a cat I don’t like.

  • LA woman

    I’ve been wishing for a digital camera because mine broke and I’ve been wanting to do an entry on my Los Angeles. Until I get to, Kyle’s entry will be the stand-in.

  • Blaine Watch

    Looks like someone else needs to make a five-year plan. Nobody wants David’s book. Also: “In what has to be one of the most unusual auctions for a book, publishers summoned to meet Blaine by his lawyer/agent, David Vigliano, are instructed to finish or put away any food they’re eating before the magician arrives: he…

  • The Business of Me

    I keep forgetting to set an appointment for my dental cleaning, which is due. And there’s a sharp spot behind my front lower teeth, something that I absolutely cannot stop rubbing my tongue against. Now the front of my tongue is scraped, and itches until I rub it against my lower teeth again, which causes…

  • new entry

    The business of me. Debating my future.