Author: Pamie
shopping in hell
and living in squalor This weekend Eric and I decided that no matter what happened we were going to spend part of the weekend shopping. Which is exactly what we did.
lack of focus
no one ever asks my opinion “Who are these people?” Eric asked yesterday on the phone. “My readers.” “Like fan mail?” “I guess.”
i’m not proud
confessions and pathetic whining I had a new experience two days ago. I have not written about it before because I don’t really understand it, and I am a bit ashamed. Mortified, really. Okay, I’ll just fess up. Here goes:
i’m just sayin’
outing my evil undead co-workers I work with vampires. I really am convinced that I work in a building covered in vampires. I always had my suspicions, but lately it’s gotten out of hand and I can no longer ignore the fact that my building is inhabited with the undead.
to whom it may concern
catching up on my mail Dear Eric, I am quickly starting to notice that it feels like I don’t have weekends anymore. I rehearse every day and perform in the evenings. Basically I now have a few hours on the weekends where the only difference in my day is I’m not at work but I’m…
take a deep breath
time to get things back to normal Sorry for the late update. We spent last night watching Lillith become more and more like her old self. She came when you called her. Her ears were perked up. Her tail was wagging. She ate food that you put in front of her. The problem? Her eyes…
my kitty the gerbil
baby steps to health and a rant about journalling Thank you, everyone for all of your kind e-mails and entries and phone calls. It’s been nice to have so many people rooting for us. Last night was hard. Lillith looked horrible when I got home. She didn’t want to come out from under the futon. …