Month: February 2006

  • It’s Still Too Soon To Tell This Story

    Driving home tonight, I thought about Mardi Gras in Austin, and how it’s been a while since I’ve celebrated Fat Tuesday. In the South, there are days leading up to it with anticipation — the food, the beads, the planned parties. There was a time when New Orleans made it illegal to go topless (is…

  • king cake

    There’s a King Cake in the breakroom because one of the pretty girls who works here is from New Orleans. She sent a message warning people about the plastic baby inside the food, and suddenly I remembered the song we used to sing in high school theatre about King Cake:

  • rufus–CHUCK.

    This morning, in the shower, where I get a lot of important thinking done, I thought to myself: “Well, if James the cop knows Chuck and Rufus, I’m surprised he didn’t say anything to Gwendolyn when they were in the back of Parjay’s together, and spotted Sylvester enter with Cathy. Unless her crusty Mary wig…

  • updating without a story, just facts

    This is an entry purely because you have been emailing frequently (and wonderfully, thank you) to inquire about Taylor and other things that have been going on. Taylor is sacked out next to me looking quite happy. We won’t test him again for another month — the vet wants to see if the DM special…

  • I Guess That’s How The Kids Are Talking These Days.

    “The first rule is, you can’t cut a single word,” Heilbron says of the 42-minute sordid suite, which he decided to stage after receiving a DVD copy last Christmas. “I knew I had to learn it, I knew I had to make it better,” he says with that particularly modern mix of sarcasm and sincerity.…

  • regulating

    I don’t think I can accurately describe how much cat puke I just picked up. It’s one in the morning. I’m currently staring at Taylor, watching him drink water, waiting to make sure he’s not about to go into some kind of seizure. At my last job there were many new parents, the kind who…


    I had my first cup of coffee since January 7th today. Soon I’m going to be shooting cups of it between my toes. Because I’m not sure you’ve read this in the trades, but caffeine is addictive! Oh, how I missed it. I didn’t even think I did, because after a few headache-y days (more…