Month: January 2004
dan has a threecap week
That’s right. Threecap. I was overly-psyched to try and orchestrate a way in which all three of my recaps would fall one right on top of the other, but I was stymied. By a recapper named Pam. Top Model. Big Fat Bleebity Cancel This Bloo. Bachelorette. And on top of it all, I’m typing this…
Recap: The Osbournes
The Show Must Go Oz!!! Why such excessive punctuation, MTV? Watch as Dan and I try to take over the entire main page of Television Without Pity. It’s rather impressive.
Gilmore Girls Recap Up
It Rings A Bell — Why not use Episode 11 to advance the first few plotlines of the season? Lorelai is jealous of Luke’s continuing relationship with his wife, but doesn’t know how to tell him, so she picks fights instead. Rory thinks that guy who dissed her in the laundry room thinks she’s stalking…
Kelis Owes Me Royalty Checks
Do you know how many people want to talk to me every day about the Milkshake song? A lot. A lot a lot. To where people like Annie are sending me links about the deconstruction of the lyrics of the song. is the official Milkshake headquarters. I do have nice boobs, though.
Oakland Public Library URL
They’re up and running over here, and they couldn’t have done it without her help.
In my attempt to be Debt Free By 30, I am trying to get rid of unnecessary expenses. So yesterday I cancelled my $10/month sitemeter account, as I spend way too much time going through my referral logs anyway (some people play solitaire, I click links). But it’s left an ugly sitemeter symbol on every…
My Milkshake
There have been times when I run in pajama pants, and stee always jokes that I look not unlike an escaped patient, running in my pj’s. So he bought these nice pants for me that are actually made for absorbing sweat and don’t need to be cuffed at the bottom. But they are rather tight,…