Tag: Writing

  • teacher?

    and I update some sagas. The Cranium Saga Continues Kymm can try and say she wasn’t a part of it, but I know better. And Patrick can try and weasel his way out as well, but just so you know he also sent me another e-mail last night that said, “You smell and I bet…

  • double ditto

    (insert heavy sigh here) Wow. You know, I knew yesterday was going pretty bad, but it only got worse. We got the phone call. We aren’t going to Aspen. Let’s see how I handled this last year… Great. Good to know that it’s not exactly the same, I mean, at least this time I have…

  • how to survive a journallers meeting

    lessons i learned 1. Leave on time. Do not start looking for a copy of what you are planning on reading half an hour before you are due to arrive. Do not then accept a phone call that takes until two when the meeting is at two.

  • Papa-san!

    Japanese makes Eric sleepy Is it Friday? No? Ah, jeez, this week is taking long enough. Go read my first Mighty Big TV Ally McBeal re-cap. It’s controversial. It’s got hot girl-on-girl action.

  • happy friday

    i send you to the paper I don’t have much time today, so this should be a quick one. Here’s my new Technopolis article. Read it now, before it goes away, as I can’t find last week’s article anymore. The weird sentence should read “There are sites that host small groups of people discussing topics…

  • “did you remember to…”

    why i might get killed backstage Sorry about the past couple of days.  My computer access has been limited.  To make it up to you, I offer a brand new Get Real Wrap on MightyBigTV. So tonight begins the weekend of comedy auditions.  Tonight we do our sketch show for an HBO representative.  I will…

  • my kitty the gerbil

    baby steps to health and a rant about journalling Thank you, everyone for all of your kind e-mails and entries and phone calls.  It’s been nice to have so many people rooting for us. Last night was hard.  Lillith looked horrible when I got home.  She didn’t want to come out from under the futon. …

  • “my, my” that sounds familiar

    why weird al is almost a monk Well, it looks like I’ll be uploading in the afternoons for a little while, like a few weeks.  Most of you won’t even notice the change, but those of you who wait for ten a.m. central time every day to see a new Squishy, it may be a…

  • rage and ennui

    how to write an award-winning one year journal So, here we are.  One year later.  One year of Squishy. I guess it’s been more of a journey for me than for anyone else.  I didn’t use to think of things like Doogie Howser.  Now every time something happens someone either pops out with a “This…

  • big baby

    just hand me a pacifier, already I’m in that weird period right now just before everything happens.  In two weeks we have a show, and starting this weekend we work more intensely on it, so right now, I’m sort of mulling it through my head preparing the show order and how we’ll do this and…