Tag: Relationships
the drawer
where we finally talk about pamie’s panties Just when I think I have part of my life cleaned up I look around and notice another section that is completely out of whack. I spent two hours yesterday cleaning up my bedroom– throwing out clothes that I’ve been hanging onto but not wearing for two years,…
sex tips
with side coaching Because it’s important for us to get out and see more than the usual bookmarks that line our browsers, I took the liberty to go searching on other sites to see what they have to offer. Today we will be looking at Glamour magazine, specifically, the Pleasure Tips. It seems to…
being nosy
the gift that keeps on giving There is a new toy in the house. It’s not really a toy, but I have to look at it that way, or I start to feel… worried? No, maybe it’s jealousy? Hmmm… no, I guess worried is a better word. This new toy is a hair trimmer.
rainy days and thursdays
running errands and getting caught up in the moment So, I got web space. Hopefully the entire site will be moved in a week. How cool would that be? Then I have to get all of you to change your links… That should be interesting…
insanity at pamie.com
i’m looking for a comfy shirt Curious about yoga? Try some out right now. Go ahead, I won’t watch. So today a very strange muscle is sore on my body. It’s the muscle just under my butt, and the top of my thigh. On both sides. It feels like my thighs are shrinking when I…
i love rock and roll
but i like it sticky and messy I can’t believe it’s already March. Time is just flying by. Eric’s dad went home today. We had a good time. Over the weekend we went to the Austin Museum of Art to see the new exhibit. We saw the capitol building, which I hadn’t seen in the…
sigh! hic! snarf!
it’s good to have a breakdown, right? First off, I would like to say that I have a really hard time spelling the word “February.” I constantly want to spell it “Februrary.” And every once in a while my brain does so much of that “You know there’s that ‘r’ in there you always fuck…
okay, i’ll think of something funny.
you big bully. I’ve been quite busy at work today. But I updated my books section. Also I did a backup of my back pages, since Geocities doesn’ t have a neat little backup feature. I had to go in and manually save my entries one page at a time. I just did the entries,…