Tag: Relationships
All Moved In
and exhausted I have this to say first. If you live in or near Central Austin, and you’re a Weezer fan, click here and give me your mailing address. I’ve got some inside scoop for you.
It's Who You Know
there’s always more You know someone… Or you think you do. How do you know when you really know someone? How do you know when that person has let you in, really in, all the way in so that you’re comfortable and secure and happy and ready for anything? Do you know enough? Do you…
i think my eyelids just melted. (Spoilers inside for High Fidelity, so watch out.) Hot. Not like, “Oh, it’s warm outside, you might want to put on some shorts and sandals.” It’s like, “What are you doing wearing clothes, are you crazy?” hot. Hot. HOT. They (and I love calling them ‘They,’ by the way)…
and lack of sleep I’m exhausted. Last night was the worst. I think in the beginning of the evening I was talking in my sleep, and I believe Eric and I had a conversation about him escaping from El Salvador because he was considered evil. Shortly thereafter a car alarm went off. And not those…
and then we…
i’ll let eric finish that up for you. Because I had to write yesterday’s entry three times, I forgot this link to Jette’s account of last week. So, we have a funnel cat. We took Cal to the vet and they took one look at his Upper Respiratory Infection and his pinkeye and they slapped…
fantasizing about illness and marriage Eric is sick. He’s got something like a bad allergy attack and the flu. He never gets sick, maybe just once a year, so I don’t really know how to make him feel better. He just keeps sleeping. I buy juice. It’s different around the house with him sick. I…
i lived with john travolta
and why i hate samantha mathis I’ve lived with many famous people. It’s not something well known, and not something I brag about. Okay, I rarely tell a soul. Because if I tell you why or how I lived with these people, you may leave. Or at least laugh. But I want to be honest…