Tag: Pamie.com
yesterday… [scripty] [cell phone rings. pamie sees it’s Ray] PAMIE [answering] I know. My site’s hacked. RAY Your new website is AWESOME! I want all of these swords. (Gasp!) And look at the belt buckles! PAMIE Well, I figured it was the only thing I could sell catered specifically to my demographic. RAY Hell, yeah.…
It’s Still Too Soon To Tell This Story
Driving home tonight, I thought about Mardi Gras in Austin, and how it’s been a while since I’ve celebrated Fat Tuesday. In the South, there are days leading up to it with anticipation — the food, the beads, the planned parties. There was a time when New Orleans made it illegal to go topless (is…
A Night With Mousy and the Puppethead
We walk into the tiniest little Tiki bar on Sunset, where “Everybody Plays the Fool” is on the jukebox, mashed-up with some reggae beat. We take a seat and wait for Tom and Frank, who are meeting us for a drink before we go to dinner and a movie. Frank and I talk about the tiny…
Look How Pretty!
Sweet, smart, beautiful Anna Beth Chao made this pretty website with her two bare hands. So tell her she’s wonderful, because I couldn’t be happier with pamie.com’s new digs. Also, I’d like to give a very special thanks to my boy JD at Myrmid Hosting, who keeps this enormous site up and running when all it wants…
a simple phone call.
[scripty] AB Hellooo00ooo0o? PAMIE Ha! Hi. AB Why are you laughing at me? PAMIE Why did you answer the phone like that? AB Like what? PAMIE “Hellllo000oo0oo0?” AB Shut up. Did I sound like that? PAMIE “Hellllo000oo0oo0?” [/scripty]
Three Stories
LA Story I felt my first real earthquake today. I mean one where I knew an earthquake was about to hit and then it did. I sat through lots of earthquakes when I lived in Palm Springs as a kid, but I don’t really remember them. We lived above the laundry facility at a hotel,…
We Need To Talk
You and I. How should I put this? I’ve been thinking about this conversation for a while now. I want to know the best way to put it to you. Let me try and make it as simple as possible. When I first started this website, I worked for a computer company. Then I worked…