Tag: Liz Feldman

  • The good, the bad and the unknown.

    Working on this television show is teaching me how to add more specifics to my writing. When I write here, or a recap, or even a script Liz and I will eventually perform, there’s a tendency to write in shorthand, to deliver enough information that someone “gets it,” and then move on. Here I’m learning…

  • pre-production

    We have spent the past week in pre-production at the Oxygen show. Pre-production means the producers are planning out the shooting schedule, while we rewrite the script over and over again until it satisfies the network, the budget and the cast (in that order). This is when it gets more intense, and a bit frustrating.…

  • Tanned In the Place Where You Live

    I’d like to think I’ll try anything once. (Here’s the point where stee shouts “Woo-hoo!” jumps up from his computer and starts making a list of all my female friends, ranked in order of hotness.) So when Hilary called a couple of weeks ago to ask if I’d be interested in getting a fake tan…

  • Measure for Measure

    A couple of months ago my friend Liz and I went shopping. She was looking for a camisole for an upcoming show, so we hit a few lingerie stores. This, of course, led us to Victoria’s Secret. I felt conspicuous holding my Coffee Bean cup as I fingered lace tops, watching the salesladies watch me.…