Tag: Letters Never Sent

  • random

    Lately, people have made a point to let me know their wishes in the event of their untimely death (or persistent vegetative state). But if any of you are hoping to be shot out of a peyote button clenched in the palm of a 53-foot high Gonzo fist, you should probably let me know now…

  • Dear Aspen…

    [readermail] Dear Eddie Izzard, Sorry I made an ass out of myself standing next to you on a staircase. See, Jessica really likes you, and I do, too, but I wanted her to see she was standing next to you. I’m sorry I kind of pushed her into you while you were trying to dial…

  • (we found the scarf)

    (we found the scarf)

    US Comedy Arts Festival, 2005 Aspen, Colorado Opening Night

  • up in aspen

    In the corner of this condo, by the couches, we have found wireless. I do not recommend trying to carry a stack of wood and two bags of groceries five blocks, in the snow, in the dark, by yourself. What seemed like a good idea last night became one of the dumbest things I’ve ever…

  • “Wake up, Liz!” “Unh.” “Happy

    “Wake up, Liz!” “Unh.” “Happy Aspen!” “Happy Aspen to you.” “It’s like Christmas for Funny!” “I’m Jewish.”

  • five.

    I can’t say I wish I had more time to write here, because I’m pretty happy with what is keeping me so busy right now. But it’d be nice to have more time here to write down what life has been like, mostly for me to have later (because this is supposed to be a…

  • aspen, here we come.

    My headshot’s all blurry and it kind of sounds like our show’s a girlie downer what with the dead-dad part right there in the description but we’re next to Catherine O’Hara and holy crap this is awesome.

  • so early, so late

    You don’t have to check the time of this post. I’ll tell you. It’s four in the morning. I’ve learned an important lesson. When you decide to drink more Diet Coke than you have in about a year, it’s best not to do it at eleven at night. I’ve been trying to fall asleep for…

  • W is for Waiting and Writing… and Wedding… and Work… and Wow.

    So here’s what it’s like, these days, to be me. It’s what it’s like to live this life, this place where each day is as unpredictable as the next. This morning we planned our honeymoon around Sundance, because stee and Frank are finalists for the filmmaker’s lab. They won’t know until December 17th if they…