Tag: Dork
“dear diary”
how three little dots changed my life I was testing out Microsoft’s html editor. So far it’s a bit nicer than the Netscape one I was using. But once I tried to look at it online it looked like crap. I’m pissed off about it. I’m getting a bit tired of the way my entries…
babies and drugs
i’m all weepy again I’m home today. I crawled over to the computer to do this. You see, I have learned that as wonderful as my new allergy medicine is (and check out their website— it’s pretty scary), it causes terrible pain once a month. Not that I wasn’t already in pain, but now it’s…
class notes
on being a new parent and a bad student I’m in a class today. Not much time to talk.
comedy advice
because everyone is both a comic and a critic The festival is over. I’m exhausted. I had a terrible night’s sleep last night. I kept dreaming that someone was trying to kill me with a knife. Plus I’m mad at Chuy because in my dream last night we were playing chess at someone’s wedding and…
troupe dreams
where i don’t talk about the oscars or march madness — I’m that self-centered this morning How early is it? Oh, man. It’s early. I’ve started a new shift at work. It’s early. Early in the a.m. But I guess that means earlier entries for you guys. hip-hip– zzzzzz.
writing notes
ADD and OCD with a twist of lime I’m writing a note in class. How tenth grade. I love it.
leavin’ on a suzuki
don’t know if i’ll be back again I’m freaking out. I’m about to go on this big trip and I’m FREAKING out. I’m bad about this “getting ready to leave” part. I start questioning everything. Did I remember to do this? Did I remember to do that? And of course, since it’s the last day,…