Tag: Dork
i've got a nice beat, and you can bug out to me.
i just never took it so literally. Ugh! Ih! Ih! Ih! I should just go home right now. I need to go home and start my weekend and just get a whole bunch of work done and pretend that the past five minutes didn’t just happen because they have been too damaging. Yih! I went…
The Patch
my bad-ass timing I have a problem with timing. Perhaps it’s actually a good sense of timing, with a dash of complete obliviousness. My horrible moments often turn into very good stories, but the initial shock of what I just unknowingly did usually shadows out the humor for a short time.
by popular demand. this page has lots of big files and will be loud. watch your speakers. don’t get fired. Ladies and Gentlemen. Prepare yourselves for an exciting event. Now. On your computer. Eric and Pamie:
check out my excitement! I have always thought you plant and garden people were a little strange. I never understood the fascination with growing things in your own house. My mother would often bring in potted plants and position them in areas of the house. I believe we called them her “victims.” Each time one…
miss link-a-lot
busy week means i send you elsewhere on friday Today is extra link-y, since that seems to be my Friday routine. That and I’m still not sleeping well, so I’m really tired. Eric stayed home today, so I’m jealous. Pretend I’m a weblog today.
late night pamie brain
it’s been like this all week Okay. Okay. Okay. This time I’m just gonna fall right to sleep. But I’m not tired. Shutup, you. You’re going to sleep. Not tired.
it looks good on me Hmm. I like my skin. I know I come here and bitch about this or that, complain about my body and its glorious eye-goo and everything, but I rarely state what I like about myself. I should say more positive things, right? [scripty]NED Yes, indeedly-doodly, pamie![/scripty]
taylor takes a survey
Bonjour. Pamie says I must take zis test because I am not her, no? So here we go. She say I could win box of prizes and I must tell you zat zee chicken I took from zee dinner table just was not satisifying enough, yes?