Tag: ABChao
Look How Pretty!
Sweet, smart, beautiful Anna Beth Chao made this pretty website with her two bare hands. So tell her she’s wonderful, because I couldn’t be happier with pamie.com’s new digs. Also, I’d like to give a very special thanks to my boy JD at Myrmid Hosting, who keeps this enormous site up and running when all it wants…
a simple phone call.
[scripty] AB Hellooo00ooo0o? PAMIE Ha! Hi. AB Why are you laughing at me? PAMIE Why did you answer the phone like that? AB Like what? PAMIE “Hellllo000oo0oo0?” AB Shut up. Did I sound like that? PAMIE “Hellllo000oo0oo0?” [/scripty]
A Glamorous Hollywood Lifestyle
1. You will not be home before eleven. 2. This is because you are at work. 3. When you wake up, it is because you have work to do before you get to work, because there’s so much work you can’t do while you’re at work. 4. Suffer the constant teasing that you’re leaving one…
congrats to all the pamie.com book drive winners
[readermail] Hi Pamie, This is exciting news! I was happy to make a donation to this year’s book drive. Being rewarded with a signed copy of your newest just adds to the warm fuzzies. (And since I’ve been married for 7 months, I can have “Cold Feet” on my nightstand without freaking out my honey!)…
Scenes from my birthday party
I wish I was watching all of my 21 Jump Street DVD episodes with Sars. Best moment of the pilot: when Johnny Depp gets really sad because he can’t stop thinking about his father, we watch him from outside his apartment window as he stares at a photograph of his father while soulfully playing the…
processing the new year
The morning after the wedding, we woke up and listened to this song in bed and thought about how happy we were and how perfectly the wedding went and how lucky we were to have these amazing friends and family who braved the rain and snow and winds and this strange waterfall that happens on…
“It says repeat, but YOU DON’T HAVE TO.”
Remember when all I could talk about was how much I needed that soap? Well, I got it. A distributor found me through a Google search, and shipped me a bar from Taiwan. Are you looking for Arsoa as well? You can email Lawrence and he’ll send it to you. Please tell him I sent…
“This One Time? At Journal Camp?”
If everything went well, right now Anna Beth just walked into Master V’s arms a thousand miles away from me. I certainly hope so. Asking a mom to spend five days away from her family is asking quite a bit. I had a blast having my friend here for so long, but I knew she…