Category: Pamie

  • class notes

    on being a new parent and a bad student I’m in a class today. Not much time to talk.

  • pamieamory

    why i have to stick to just one man I was interviewed for the local paper yesterday afternoon about Squishy.  So, this Saturday there should be an article about… me and why I write this journal.  And of course now that hours have gone by since the interview I’m thinking to myself, “Did I say…

  • comedy advice

    because everyone is both a comic and a critic The festival is over.  I’m exhausted. I had a terrible night’s sleep last night. I kept dreaming that someone was trying to kill me with a knife.  Plus I’m mad at Chuy because in my dream last night we were playing chess at someone’s wedding and…

  • the rules

    the way it should be I’m very excited about Birthday Week. Eric has extended my birthday into a week long event.  It started with a surprise party the night before my birthday, and has continued on into this morning, when I found that he had cleaned my car and gotten my oil changed, and I…

  • do you understand?

    the basics of comedy: conflict and commitment We had a troupe from Tokyo, Japan perform last night called Galacta Excite.  They knew English, but had never performed in English before.  I have never seen a performance captivate an audience like that before.  They had everyone in the palm of their hand.  Every time they’d stumble…

  • the drawer

    where we finally talk about pamie’s panties Just when I think I have part of my life cleaned up I look around and notice another section that is completely out of whack.  I spent two hours yesterday cleaning up my bedroom– throwing out clothes that I’ve been hanging onto but not wearing for two years,…

  • memories and shallow confessions

    an open letter to eric Hey, Shmoops. What a weekend, huh?

  • dammit!

    why must i be so tortured and dumb? So this morning I got up early, got dressed and ready to go early, and remembered that I was almost out of gas, so I left the house early, got to the gas station, got a bottle of water, didn’t even complain when someone cut in front…

  • religious experience

    pass the contribution plate So there I was, sitting on the park bench, when a burning bush spoke to me…. …And no, that doesn’t mean I had a yeast infection. It just burst into flames, sort of like the Human Torch…burning without getting burnt up. I was wondering why there never was a fireman around…

  • i want candy

    and i avoid an evening of irish boxing Eric’s mom leaves today.  I had a really good time with her.  I wish she was staying longer. Before I left work yesterday I asked Eric what we were going to do about dinner.  “Well, Mom and I are going out while you’re at rehearsal, and we’ll…