Category: Pamie

  • only at my house

    party lines and photos So, how bizarre is this? We’ve been getting collect calls on our answering machine. From the jail. When we came home Sunday night we began calling every friend of ours that could possibly be or could know someone in jail. Cell phone, answering machine, cell phone, answering machine, ring, ring, ring…

  • two dialogues

    will smith and a humdinger My new Get Real re-cap is up at Mighty Big TV. I’m going to use that for the bulk of this entry, since it took so darn long. Also coffee found a platform. His letter to you is now found at Stiletto. He’s spreading his word.

  • the tape

    confessions and a new start It started as a good feeling. I came home Thursday to a pile of mail. On top was a box. It was shaped like a videotape. “Ooh!” I squealed. “What is this?” I didn’t remember ordering anything. Perhaps it was a gift from someone.

  • happy friday

    i send you to the paper I don’t have much time today, so this should be a quick one. Here’s my new Technopolis article. Read it now, before it goes away, as I can’t find last week’s article anymore. The weird sentence should read “There are sites that host small groups of people discussing topics…

  • mon dieu!

    a letter from taylor. Oh! Bonjour! I did not see you sneak up on me like that. I was busy reading this very funny guy talk about his job. What is a fax? I don’t know, but iz funny, no? I like Stee very much. I think he’z a very nice person, with a very…

  • and then we…

    i’ll let eric finish that up for you. Because I had to write yesterday’s entry three times, I forgot this link to Jette’s account of last week. So, we have a funnel cat. We took Cal to the vet and they took one look at his Upper Respiratory Infection and his pinkeye and they slapped…

  • meows and movies

    i think it’s all the testosterone I can’t tell you how frustrating it is that this is my third attempt at this entry. I had it finished once, my machine froze, and then I had to do it again. Halfway through the second attempt, the machine froze again. I’ve figured out it was my CD.…

  • a little creepy

    changes We decided it was time to get a new cat. Taylor has seemed quite depressed and we found ourselves thinking of Lillith often. We went down to the animal shelter Saturday afternoon. I walked in and was looking at one of the cats when an arm popped out from a cage and grabbed my…

  • don’t go away mad

    i try to show you something and you take it all wrong Apparently everyone wants to know about Austin.  I wouldn’t have thought that would be the most popular search.  I’ll tell you that “panties” was not such a shock.  I think some people come here and say “Where’s the panties?” and then just click…

  • Drink me, sip me, I’m your daddy

    an open love letter from coffee Dear Squishy readers: Hello! I am coffee! I am GOOD! I am an important part of your balanced breakfast! I make your lunch complete! What’s dinner without coffee! I RULE YOU!