Category: Pamie

  • Nap Time

    i’m no good Oh, I feel terrible today and it is completely my fault. Here’s the problem: I’m a horrible napper. Eric can take a fifteen minute nap and he’s like completely ready for another evening. He’s good to go. He’s chipper and smells good and everything. If I try and nap I fall instantly…

  • Mom's List

    christmas memories My mother loves Christmas. Every year it takes about four hours to open all of the gifts. Not because of the amount of presents, but rather because each and every one must be opened separately, and everyone has to admire the gift before moving onto the next one. Breaks have to be taken…

  • Memory Lane

    alright, at heart, it’s a cop-out entry If Lenny Kravitz keeps this up, mark my words, in a couple of years there’s going to be an insecticide commercial on television called “Fly Away.” In the unexplained phenomena category: Both of my ears are pierced. I used to wear two small silver hoops in them about…

  • STM


    looking for love, Pounce. Bonjour, my good friends. It iz me, Taylor. I am writing again to update you on zis holiday seazon here in my land. Perhaps you have been wondering how all of thiz holiday brouhaha haz been for me, yes? Well, let me tell you zomething. I know zat zomewhere in zis…

  • weekend lessons

    you pick up a few things here and there. I’m going broke from everyone’s wish lists. It’s way too easy to just click and send. But in any event, thanks to Daniel, Erica and Kim, whose gifts arrived on Friday afternoon. Eric is starting to look jealous. The weekend was spent shopping, performing, eating, and…

  • "Hey, I'm not that bad!"

    an open letter from cigarettes (to be read in the style of James Gandolfini) Hey. Hey kid. Yeah, you. Yeah. You know me? What do you mean, “What?” I asked if you fuckin’ know me. How hard of a question is that? You been actin’ all day like you don’t fuckin’ know me, like we…

  • footprints

    and lack of sleep I’m exhausted. Last night was the worst. I think in the beginning of the evening I was talking in my sleep, and I believe Eric and I had a conversation about him escaping from El Salvador because he was considered evil. Shortly thereafter a car alarm went off. And not those…

  • teacher?

    and I update some sagas. The Cranium Saga Continues Kymm can try and say she wasn’t a part of it, but I know better. And Patrick can try and weasel his way out as well, but just so you know he also sent me another e-mail last night that said, “You smell and I bet…

  • in my defense

    sorry so sloppy Immm-hmmm. Well. Alright. Dear Patrick, It seems that there was a gathering of journallers who all got together to play Cranium because they had heard that I enjoyed the game. I understand that you were one of them. It also seems that you and your friends had an easy time with the…

  • missing madeline

    strangers with bjork Madeline Kahn (1942-1999) She was hilarious, wasn’t she? Wow. Check this out: I had just sent off The Mighty Kymm’s Christmas present using her wish list, when a box arrived from Amazon for me yesterday. I assumed it was something that I had bought for Eric, so I went into the…