Category: Pamie

  • LIARS!

    don’t mess with my phone service Attention Texans: Do not sign up for AT&T Local Service. They will jack your ass around. They lied to me repeatedly, and I’ve spent over nine hours of my life waiting for the Next Available Representative. They said that I wouldn’t even notice the switch from Southwestern Bell to…

  • really quick

    really quick

    i ran out of time I completely ran out of time today. I’m sure most of you were celebrating your happy three-day weekend, but not me. I worked. I worked for so long that I completely ran out of time to post an entertaining entry. So, I offer this instead:

  • beatboxing

    on the corner of silliness and insomnia time:  last night.  way past bedtime. setting:  the bed.

  • The Office Tour

    The Office Tour

    Office Slide Show This is the view on my left when I’m sitting down.

  • Banner

    This takes a second to load… How do you like my first attempt at shockwave? I really just took the tutorial and then edited the text, but whatever, at least it looks like I know what I’m doing, right?

  • Hormonal

    proceed with caution. I knew I was bad off first thing this morning. I turned on the television to get the weather and this search engine commercial was on where this kid is on the school bus looking at the new kid who is saying goodbye to his mother in sign language. The kid gets…

  • Awkward Moments

    I share too much Eleanor is discussing Free To Be… You And Me on her site today, which makes me feel a bit better. You see, I recently spent $75 on eBay to acquire a pristine copy of the out-of-print video. I watched it when I was all Bronchy, and Eric didn’t seem to understand…

  • SHUT. UP.

    Not you. Me. So, I guess I just wasn’t looking in the right place. Here’s the link to the Austin Chronicle’s Top Ten Austin Websites, in case you want to read what they said about me. I’m feeling much better today. I remembered this nasal spray stuff that my doctor had given me last year…

  • Cedar Fever is sexy.

    I thought John Travolta was going to be here. Hmm… DayQuil. Let’s see, it says: Temporarily relieves common cold/flu symptoms: minor aches headache sore throat pain nasal congestion pains muscular aches fever cough That’s like five ways to say it helps pain. You know what it doesn’t say on the Dayquil box? May cause lunacy

  • Too Much Time Together

    movies and elbows I can’t believe how much I’ve missed being sick for a full week. I’m so behind at work. I’m so behind on the web. Are you guys all still there? Are you all still the same? Oh, man. It’s amazing, because even though I wasn’t here, things were still churning along.