Category: Pamie

  • chance meeting

    a scene for two characters

  • taylor takes a survey

    Bonjour. Pamie says I must take zis test because I am not her, no?  So here we go.  She say I could win box of prizes and I must tell you  zat zee chicken I took from zee dinner table just was not satisifying enough, yes?

  • Weekly Review

    i think the week is getting longer So, what have I learned this week? I learned that there are some years where the Super Bowl doesn’t matter to Eric.  In fact, I only knew it was time for the Super Bowl because Howard Stern was talking about it.  For this, I thank him, as it…

  • Being Catty

    and I turn into Sally Struthers I have an experiment for you.  Would you click this button? It will give two cents to Squishy’s monthly bill. I recently noticed that I am almost at my limit on this page. Yesterday there were over 100,000 page views on this site, and it is pushing my monthly bill…

  • She's so sexy!

    shield your eyes AT&T update: I called Friday afternoon to try and get service. They put me on hold, and then hung up on me.

  • HELLO!


    HI! IT’S ME! HI! I SEE YOU SEE ME! QUICKLY! Hello. It is me.

  • But it's Sunday!

    i had some extra time. Saturday afternoon Eric and I performed at a poetry slam. You have to understand that we didn’t know we were going to be there.

  • Pitiful

    i try new software and bore you to tears That’s me wearing my Melty shirt. I’m trying out new web software today. I’ll go back to normal tomorrow, I swear.


    trying to make the most out of my situation Last night I had a dream that The Mighty Kymm and I were sitting around trying to figure out each other’s FTP passwords. We were giggling fiendishly as we’d figure out each other’s codes. Then we called up Diane and had fun hacking into her journal…

  • More Letters

    mostly because i feel so scattered Dear Handspring: I have spent way too much time playing with you. I know that you are my newest toy, but my poor webcam didn’t even get a chance to snap a neat Cal photo before I left it standing in its own lens cap. I am experiencing a…