Category: Pamie

  • The Brush-Off

    nothing personal I’m actually trying to get things accomplished around here. Like today, I cleaned my car. Huzzah! I hadn’t really done that before, get down and clean the windows and floors and stuff. It’s time for me to actually start on the living room so it doesn’t look like I sit around here all…

  • Bonjour

    iz me, taylor! Well, zee autumn winds are in zee air. Which I HATE! I hate zee winds! Hate them! It does not matter what season they are representing, yes? I despise zee wind and wish that it would stay out of my home. It makes my fur rumple up and that takes a long…

  • The Big Funk

    i figured this would happen. I seem to not want to do anything at all right now. The house is full of things I need to pack. I have to call the movers. I need to go to the pharmacy and refill all prescriptions before my insurance runs out. I have to forward numbers and…

  • Homeward Bound

    i still get to call it home for a couple of weeks I’m on another flight. This might not even be the last for a while. But this one is taking me back to Austin, so I don’t mind it too much. I have my own aisle, which I always love. I’m tired. Stee’s cat…

  • La La Loser

    homeless and unemployed. Yeah, so this isn’t going very well. Basically I’ve seen every apartment that’s available right now. Some have sent us screaming and running away before we’d even go in. I have a rule that I don’t want to live in any apartment that looks like Daniel Laruso once threw his bike in…

  • More Airplane Writing

    because i can. I am blessed with a middle seat on an emergency row for my return flight to Austin. Therefore I’m going to write tomorrow’s entry today because I have enough room and time. I don’t know if my morning flight to LA will bless me with space, and I don’t know if I’ll…

  • Damn Journalcon

    i knew this would happen. Damn Journalcon. I’m still here in Pittsburgh, sitting at Eric’s mom’s computer and I’ve spent the past two hours going through journals of people I met this weekend. I had brought work to do, and now I haven’t done it yet. I need to make phone calls to apartments in…

  • Thoughts From Above

    on my way to PA. I’m not a big fan of flying. And this morning when I saw it was raining, I was even less of a fan. I don’t think I’ve flown during rain before, and it made me nervous. There’s also something about airports that makes me incredibly sad. All of those people…

  • Time Traveler

    listen carefully I’m writing to you from the future. Since today’s my last day at work, mostly I’m going back and forth between last minute work-things, and completely goofing off. One of these goof-offs has taken me into the future, where I’m speaking to you now. I should tell you that it’s pretty nice here,…

  • Blue

    maybe i shouldn’t listen to the new radiohead at work I don’t actually feel like writing an entry right now, but I’m sad. And sometimes when I’m sad it helps to write. I hate crying in my office. I shut the door, but I still have that feeling that someone is going to walk into…