Category: Pamie

  • Wake Us Up Inside.

    It took many hours on our part (including almost four hours for Tara to edit and post it), so here’s hoping it’s worth it. The 2003 MTV Video Music Awards recap.

  • grr.

    So now this site’s messed up if you’re using Netscape. If I fix it, it’s messed up for the IE users. CSS, why do you make me cry?

  • With a Little Help From My Friends

    New journal entry. How we rocked out on a Saturday night for two dollars’ worth of parking. How do I afford my rock and roll lifestyle? It’s set in 1986.

  • With a Little Help from My Friends

    [scripty]PAMIE Hello? STEPH What are you guys doing tonight? Trick question. Means you have to either have a lie up front, or fess up that you don’t have plans, and therefore you must do whatever possibly horrible thing they want you to do with them. PAMIE Um, we’re not sure. Why? What are you doing?…

  • “There’s No Knitting at the Knitting Factory”

    Just got back from my friend Brently’s show “Crappy,” which will be every Sunday night at the Knitting Factory at 10pm (I’m in this one). See the guy my friend Tyson calls “Your Genius Friend Who’s Fucking Hilarious.” Dan: I forgot our last celeb sighting together: Penn Jillette. I remembered because I saw him again…

  • 71 Is a Passing Grade!

    Someone dislikes me, but I think she hates TWoP more. People have gay best friends. What is the damn problem with that? Do you not see my BFA in Acting? I minored in gay best friends! I offer up this mostly negative review not because I like the self-abuse of letting all of you see…

  • well…

    They also said my name is Patricia.

  • “Not New But Recommended”

    That’s a title of one of stee’s plays/screenplays. I also think it’s pretty much what this reviewer is saying. Also? She thinks you guys are freaks.

  • “I love you.”

    Back when I was in Monks’ Night Out, every Sunday rehearsal started with about an hour of Three Line Scenes. You had to try them over and over until everybody voted that your scene worked. It made you say stupid things like: “Hey, Sis, I just crashed Mom’s car — and it’s her birthday!!” But…

  • Sorry, stee.

    The saddest sentence about Nigella’s wedding story? “Saatchi notoriously hates parties.” That’s sadder than when one of your funny friends dates a girl with no sense of humor, one who stares at you funny and wants to leave early, and is always whispering something in his ear before looking around the room with a terrified…