Category: Pamie

  • update from the sickbed

    About three months ago I had a girlie infection and was given antibiotics. About four days after that I couldn’t breathe, ached all over and had a fever. I felt like I had the flu, but without any phlegm or coughing. I didn’t feel sick-sick, but I felt miserable. I didn’t know how I could…

  • If you were weepy at yesterday’s entry…

    …wait until you see who wrote in the comments thread at [06.18.04 – 7:54 pm].

  • How To Heal

    Today’s schedule: This. This. And this. Wait. And a few of these. And theeeeeese.

  • And the Other Gold

    There’s that certain time of the night when there’s nothing left to watch on TiVo and you can’t bring yourself to write another word and you’re on the west coast so there’s nobody you can call to waste some time with and you aren’t tired enough to go to bed and you’ve read all of…

  • Wow.

    Only one journal entry and I’m already hooked. That’s good writing.

  • Okay, so this one isn’t about fighting AIDS or saving babies…

    …but it does help out… me. I’ve been working with a few producers and one director on a pitch. We’re hoping to get to adapt a non-fiction book that came out this year. We’ve got people interested, and the pitch is just about finished, but one of the things we’re doing is putting together a…

  • Maybe You’re Looking To Do Something Incredibly Huge This Year…

    From my friend Cori: Okay guys, this request is not for the faint of spirit. I’m looking for two people to escort two babies – both 13 months old – from either London or Kampala, Uganda to the east coast of the US, where they have been granted free surgery. One baby has cerebral palsy…

  • Go, Carol, Go!

    Hi Pamie! I hope you’re feeling at least a little better – I can’t begin to imagine how you must feel, but I do empathize. Go, Vicodin, go! I do have a bit of a favor to ask of you. I’ve started training for the AIDS Half-Marathon in San Francisco in October, to benefit APLA.…

  • my ass hurts.

    The doctors appear to be a little scared of whatever it is I have. They upped my antibiotics to something stronger, packed my wound with medicated gauze after reducing me to tears due to their failed attempt at lancing. Because I wanted to be able to have a coherent conversation with the doctor for my…

  • heh.

    I love that I was so high in that last post that I started spelling it “staff” halfway through the post. Doing better. Another doctor’s appointment in an hour. Also: Man, you guys have suffered through some painful moments.