Category: Blog

  • take a deep breath

    time to get things back to normal Sorry for the late update. We spent last night watching Lillith become more and more like her old self.  She came when you called her.  Her ears were perked up. Her tail was wagging.  She ate food that you put in front of her.  The problem?  Her eyes…

  • my cat’s name is radiohead

    she’s a big cat in a skinny cat’s body Are you supposed to refrigerate baby food that is left over? I am really tired this morning.  After work yesterday I went to rehearsal.  I haven’t done a “play” play in a while, so it was sort of strange to hear people using those phrases like…

  • pork chop patrol

    and why i’m jealous of eric So yesterday after saying how great Lillith was doing, she went right under the couch and hid there for a good portion of the afternoon.  Eric came home for lunch, and she came out to see him and let him pet her.  He left, she went under the couch.…

  • my kitty the gerbil

    baby steps to health and a rant about journalling Thank you, everyone for all of your kind e-mails and entries and phone calls.  It’s been nice to have so many people rooting for us. Last night was hard.  Lillith looked horrible when I got home.  She didn’t want to come out from under the futon. …

  • sad

    Eric and I moped around the airport.  I felt terrible.  I was sleepy and sad.  They told us the flight was overbooked, and asked if we’d be willing to take a bump on the flight for $400 worth of travel vouchers.  We said we would. We sat around and waited to see if we were…

  • last day

    i amy have eaten a river rat I had wanted to go to Cafe Du Monde for cafe au lait and beignets.  The line was around the corner.  We parked and walked until we found Cafe Beignet.  That was good enough for us.  I liked them a lot.  Beignets taste a lot like funnel cakes. …

  • quick one

    we were all feeling a bit grimy I woke up feeling a little worn and tattered.  We quickly went to eat at the Court of Two Sisters, where we had a wonderful brunch and sat in the shade and listened to jazz music.  I started to feel a bit more like myself.  We did more…

  • welcome to new orleans

    welcome to new orleans

    my initial impressions We got into New Orleans late last night.  The plane was late getting out of Houston because they had “cargo on board that had to remain in Houston.”  I shouted out to the plane, “Okay, who brought the drugs?” but no one answered.  I calculated that staying on the ground for an…

  • hypothetically speaking

    but i’m still taking my pills I was driving home from work yesterday when I saw a man in the far right lane of the highway riding a motorcycle without a helmet talking on his cell phone.  It made me laugh.  I guess I laughed because I initially thought, “How dangerous is that?” and then…

  • alternate views

    finding your hometown In preparation for New Orleans, last night I started (re)reading Interview With the Vampire.  I’ve tried to read this book about three times, but right now I’m out of books, so I’m starting on this one again. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about Austin, and why I like living here so…