Category: Blog
take a deep breath
time to get things back to normal Sorry for the late update. We spent last night watching Lillith become more and more like her old self. She came when you called her. Her ears were perked up. Her tail was wagging. She ate food that you put in front of her. The problem? Her eyes…
my kitty the gerbil
baby steps to health and a rant about journalling Thank you, everyone for all of your kind e-mails and entries and phone calls. It’s been nice to have so many people rooting for us. Last night was hard. Lillith looked horrible when I got home. She didn’t want to come out from under the futon. …
welcome to new orleans
my initial impressions We got into New Orleans late last night. The plane was late getting out of Houston because they had “cargo on board that had to remain in Houston.” I shouted out to the plane, “Okay, who brought the drugs?” but no one answered. I calculated that staying on the ground for an…
hypothetically speaking
but i’m still taking my pills I was driving home from work yesterday when I saw a man in the far right lane of the highway riding a motorcycle without a helmet talking on his cell phone. It made me laugh. I guess I laughed because I initially thought, “How dangerous is that?” and then…
alternate views
finding your hometown In preparation for New Orleans, last night I started (re)reading Interview With the Vampire. I’ve tried to read this book about three times, but right now I’m out of books, so I’m starting on this one again. I’ve been thinking quite a bit about Austin, and why I like living here so…