Category: Blog
on hospitals and aliens.
Dewey update: eighty donations to hospitals, detention centers, schools and library programs. It’s a rough time for fundraising, you guys. I know that I did this all quickly and on the sly, and you have all been fantastic at spreading the word, including some heavy twitter-hitters, but normally Dewey gets a few more books than…
dewey day two
I can’t stop messing with these MRI scans the imaging center gave me on a disc to take home. So I put up today’s Dewey contest to give me something to do that will actually be productive. Did you know it’s National Library Week? Go hug your library. It misses you and you will certainly…
Jacket Copy: LA Times
The great people at the LA Times (Thanks, Carolyn!) ran an interview with me to promote the upcoming Festival of Books over at their blog Jacket Copy.
Yes! The Dewey Donation System is Back!
Oh, boy. I have no web skills anymore, people. But what I do have is a stack of free copies of GOING IN CIRCLES and a desire to help out some libraries. Do you guys miss Dewey like I do? Okay, good. Because I put up a small contest for this week. Down and Dewey…
a very quick play about my knee.
[scripty] INTERIOR DOCTOR’S OFFICE — BEVERLY HILLS — AFTERNOON DOCTOR Okay, so how’s your knee? PAMIE Well, it feels really wonky. And after some consultations with Dr. Google, I think it might be my PCL. DOCTOR (instantly skeptical) Uh-huh. PAMIE Look, I know. I know. But my knee was injured here, like this, with the…
big book, little book.
The mass market paperback version of the novel just arrived at my door. It is so wee! I didn’t expect it to be almost as thin as the trade paperback, I guess because the German versions of the novels have been so thick. Y’all, Germans love me. This mass market paperback was made specifically for…
the new pile
Dylan Landis: Normal People Don’t Live Like This Madeleine Van Hecke: Blind Spots: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things Robert A. Burton, MD: On Being Certain: Believing You Are Right Even When You’re Not Kathryn Stockett: The Help Joshua Ferris: The Unnamed
Weeeee! You I You Weeee Meeeee Meeee! Youuuuu! They You I Meeeeee They Us!
We all have those dreams where we think of the most brilliant joke or story and when we wake up we forget what it was. If we do remember the joke — usually in the shower or on the drive to work, when our brains go back to slumber-numb — it’s usually a letdown. I…
Almost Wrapped…
Last day of work here at the sitcom. My desk is cleaned off, the final script is sitting next to me, and I’m watching my calendar fill up. But don’t cry — you’re totally invited! Sunday, March 28th (That’s SO SOON): LA Derby Dolls Exhibition Bout: Baby Doll Brawl On Sunday, March 28, the L.A.…