Category: Blog
E/R Wonder Killers, Look!
I remember so much of this. And yet, did not remember the Martha Quinn.
Acts of Incompetent Genius
I had this sudden idea the other night while I was eating a steak dinner and watching some Frontline special about technology (settle down, boys, this girl’s taken) that it’d be an interesting, potentially time-saving experiment to see if I could keep myself from Wonder Killing for an entire week. For me, that means not…
Eyes on the Prize
I did it to myself, but it has happened and is happening, right now. I have a manuscript and a pilot script due on the same day. That day is quickly approaching.
Why I Don’t Usually Let Strangers Use My Camera
In the stranger’s defense, he was a drunk man at The Flora-Bama, offering to help three drunk idiots take their picture behind a painted piece of wood.
Writing Elsewhere: Hello Giggles
Have you heard about Hello Giggles? It’s the brand-new brainchild of impressive (and funny) ladies Zooey Deschanel, Sophia Rossi, and Molly McAleer. Hello Giggles is all about daily, girl-friendly content. In other words, the site feels like drinking a Diet Coke while listening to your favorite jam. I’m flattered they’ve asked me to be a…
I Survived Eat Through Austin
…and then this morning I Googled “master cleanse.” ooooooohhhhhhhhh man, I am full of food. This year’s food-trip with Tara and Dave was shorter than the last time, but I managed to get an extraordinary amount of eating in. I started strong and ended strong, you guys. I had ice cream for dinner last night.…
free for you
This week has been an ass-kicker. A “no” on a job I wanted (that happened at the exact same time we got rear-ended on the highway), another no, another no, Oprah ending, a plumbing clog that has caused septic nightmares coming from inside the house. And since methane gas inside the house isn’t enough, a…
Pamie Dot Com Joins the FuturePresent
Hello! It’s the fancy, shiny, new face for! Special thanks to Glark for his patience. Example of patience:
Your Parents Will Never Wish You This Life
Your post “The Magical Vulva of Opportunity” really struck a chord with me because between parents encouraging me to “go back to school and became a professional naval-gazer in a safe environment like a college campus” and the snippets I hear every day about struggling, unhappy TV writers, I’m starting to wonder if I’m setting myself…
The Magical Vulva of Opportunity
I read Tina Fey’s Bossypants over the weekend, because as a lady who writes comedy it is some kind of law. They sent something to my house; it was very official. And because I’m a lady who writes comedy who also likes extra credit, I went to see Tina speak with Steve Martin last week, where…