Author: Pamie
Some Things About Myself That I Need To Work On
* When I’m in a public restroom and a lady comes out of the stall, I really want to stop saying “Thank you” to her when I pass her on my way in. And I mean, I really thank her in a genuine way, every time. There is no need for this thank you. It’s…
Two Places to Find Me
Southland-area peeps! I’ll be at this weekend’s LA Times Festival of Books! Sunday Bovard Auditorium 3:00 pm The Nerds Shall Inherit the Earth. (Panel 2093) Maureen Johnson Pamela Ribon John Scalzi Interviewer: Amber Benson I love that this panel is coming right after the conversation with Anne Rice. I’m always next to her on bookshelves,…
Libraries, My Mother, Dewey and You.
One day in and Dewey’s already making the DCPL excited and teary.
It’s Dewey Donation System Time!
Hello, fine people. It’s that exciting time of the year when we put on our do-gooder hats and go send some books to some strangers. The Dewey Donation System is open for business, and this year we’re sponsoring two libraries in need brought to us by two very special fans.
This Week in “Somtimes I’m Stoopid.”
This week has taught me a few lessons I should’ve learned long ago. I’ll share them with you on the unlikely chance I’m not the last person to learn these things. First: I got internet scammed.
Hey, Pamie: “What Does a Non-Staffed TV Writer Do in February?”
Aspiring television writers! Curious-about-writers people! Those of you sitting there thinking, “Uh, I know pamie doesn’t have a pilot, she’s not staffed, her latest book is turned in… so what the eff is she doing not updating” Today’s Weekly Procrastination is for you.
More Tales from the Accidental Asshole: The Egg Lady
I don’t usually go to Halloween parties. I don’t like to dress up in a costume, and this is the part where you get to snark, “Is that because you’re usually wearing some kind of crazy outfit anyway?” to which I will say, “Yes.” But I’m not a hater, and I don’t think it’s stupid…
Hey, Pamie: “How Do I Get a Literary Agent?” and more letters of writer frustration.
We’re on Day Gross of me sitting in my pajamas as I plow through this to-do list of work. Most of the projects I have sitting in front of me I’m not allowed to talk about yet.