Month: March 2007

  • keep your armies in your sleevies.

    Whenever I open a new bag of cat food and pour it into the cat food container, Taylor acts like he just won a jackpot, pulling himself up to the stream of kibble, trying to catch one in his mouth mid-stream. I can’t imagine how much more delightful and tasty one-second old kibble is compared…

  • showtime.

    Chris Ware illustrates this segment on a grade school camera fad, from the series This American Life on Showtime. [link via Bookslut.]

  • Comedy.

    Come see me! CIRQUE DU BASTARD Brently Heilbron and friends Release your inner illegitimate child with Brently Heilbron’s Cirque du Bastard. From the creator of The Richard Simmons Mysteries comes the story of the unwanted children of Cirque Du Soleil. Half-French Canadian, half-human being, entirely epic. Starring a litany of “musicians and comedians substituting acrobatics…

  • i just had the most boring dream of all time…

    … in which I cleaned my ears, and then updated my MySpace page.

  • scene from a bachelorette party

    [scripty] ALEX So, um, pamie. How are you holding up? …You know, with the whole Johnny Depp thing. PAMIE What? WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED? ALEX Oh. I thought you would have known. His kid is sick. PAMIE Really? Which one? ALEX I… well, I didn’t know he had more than one. PAMIE HE HAS TWO. ALEX…

  • poor eric.

    Suddenly, I found myself violently pitched forward. It took me a second to realize that someone had rear-ended me, which I found disorienting because whenever I imagine myself getting into a car accident, I just assume it will be my fault. So I was pretty unprepared for the scummy guy who emerged from the car…

  • buy this book!

    I have an exceedingly high proportion of “brilliant women who write books” as friends, and I wanted to make sure everyone knew about my New-York-based division of this category. Miranda Beverly-Whittemore‘s second book — SET ME FREE — has just been published by Warner Books. It’s already on the shelves! Why read this entry? Go…

  • stuck/unstuck


    “You know, it’s his other leg this time.” That’s what the vet told me when I brought Taylor in. It’s his other leg that’s injured. And as Taylor hissed and growled in my arms and the vet gave me this look, I felt like the worst pet owner in the world. How did I not…

  • SoKo

    Song: “It’s Raining Outside” What is the only thing that could possibly improve your already-inappropriate Jenny Lewis fantasies? If she were French. Behold: SoKo. “I’ll Kill Her” will be a fun download for your drive home.