a quick jot

because i still consider myself on vacation

Back from vacation.

Very, very poor. Ih. Ate popcorn for dinner. A haiku, I think in these times:

Vegas. I lost cash.
I do every time I go.
Why do I go back?

Maybe another:

Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.
Las Vegas took my wallet.
My ego is bruised.

All will be spilled tomorrow when I write the lengthy entry of all that happened. Tonight, however, we are recuperating. I am still quite tired. Wanna know how tired?

Last Night’s Scrabble Tally:
games played: 1
games lost: 1

you know i’m out of shape

A note to those of you who saw my face:

Maybe I shouldn’t have done it. I didn’t mean to kill whatever image you had of “pamie.” You only had the cartoon on the front, which is from Chasing Amy, which is really nothing like me at all. I put it up for a couple of reasons. I am an actress, and my resume is posted. Now there’s a picture if someone is trying to cast something around here. Second, many people have wondered. Third, I don’t want to play any games here. I am showing you as I am. That’s my face. If you thought I was older, younger, a man (ha-ha lemonbugg), now you know. That is me. And my words are still the same…

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