Tag: Writing
music, panties, rushmore, and shel In honor of the “lost” Beatles song that has been uncovered and is scheduled to be released this summer for some sort of Yellow Submarine hype, I’ve decided to uncover lost Squishy entries– entries that never saw it to the website for one reason or another. Sometimes I never finished…
“dear diary”
how three little dots changed my life I was testing out Microsoft’s html editor. So far it’s a bit nicer than the Netscape one I was using. But once I tried to look at it online it looked like crap. I’m pissed off about it. I’m getting a bit tired of the way my entries…
like a fence
i’ve got so many links in here So, some of you have moved over to my new page, and some of you are still pointing to geocities. I guess it takes a few days for everyone all around the world to be shifted. Those of you on the new page, please feel free to let…
writing notes
ADD and OCD with a twist of lime I’m writing a note in class. How tenth grade. I love it.
i’m a whore to the audience
it’s messier than it looks I realized that I had the same design on my page since I started it back in June of 1998. I figured it was time to look at something different for a while. What I don’t have is access to a Mac, so if it looks bad on someone’s Mac,…
sigh! hic! snarf!
it’s good to have a breakdown, right? First off, I would like to say that I have a really hard time spelling the word “February.” I constantly want to spell it “Februrary.” And every once in a while my brain does so much of that “You know there’s that ‘r’ in there you always fuck…
making a list, checking it twice
but end up eating chicken fried rice It doesn’t matter how much you plan a day out. It never happens the way you want it to.
opening night
doing it for the kids Today I am dressed up and sitting very, very still while I do my work so my hair and makeup stay exactly the same for the next ten hours. My play goes up tonight. Pay no attention to the fact that they misspelled my name. Everyone always does. I’m just…