Tag: Improv

  • Weekend Recap

    Weekend Recap

    and an open letter to Mike Myers Dear Mike Myers, Thank you so much for making the sequel to Austin Powers every bit as much fun as the first one.  I laughed so much I didn’t even mind Fat Bastard, nor the fact that my loud, obnoxious laughing made the people behind me put a…

  • celebrity

    rubbing elbows and heads with fame Sometimes your weekend is filled with little things you don’t want to forget.  This weekend was full of little bits of fame, cleverly disguised as a normal weekend.  They seem like little stories that you remember to tell every once in a while, but for me, they were bigger…

  • got milk?

    why i’m destined for the nuthouse. Being a theatre person makes you a pack rat.  You cannot avoid it.  Every time you think of getting rid of something in your closet you think to yourself, “I may need that in a show, I should hold onto it.”

  • comedy advice

    because everyone is both a comic and a critic The festival is over.  I’m exhausted. I had a terrible night’s sleep last night. I kept dreaming that someone was trying to kill me with a knife.  Plus I’m mad at Chuy because in my dream last night we were playing chess at someone’s wedding and…

  • do you understand?

    the basics of comedy: conflict and commitment We had a troupe from Tokyo, Japan perform last night called Galacta Excite.  They knew English, but had never performed in English before.  I have never seen a performance captivate an audience like that before.  They had everyone in the palm of their hand.  Every time they’d stumble…

  • troupe dreams

    where i don’t talk about the oscars or march madness — I’m that self-centered this morning How early is it?  Oh, man.  It’s early. I’ve started a new shift at work.  It’s early.  Early in the a.m.  But I guess that means earlier entries for you guys. hip-hip– zzzzzz.

  • denouement

    just before i call my mother. So, the letter. What happened with yesterday’s letter? I got another one, about five hours later: