Tag: Hot Properties

  • blood lines

    I don’t understand why they can’t market hair removal products to women without being utterly condescending. The worst is the Intuition, which instantly puts a Shakira song in my head anyway, but to add insult to injury, they also show these women who can’t handle holding a razor. It’s always flying across the room, soap…

  • Set List from a Sitcom Warmup Guy

    Hour One How U Folks Doin’? Been 2 a Taping Before? “And Clap” Who’s Excited? Promise of Candy and Pizza Sitcom 101 (Not Funny Ha-Ha) “Who Likes To (Party In Da House)?” Say “Hey!” Say “Hey-HEY!” Make Some Noize!! Sitcom 101 (Continued) [NO JOKES] Who Likes the Bible? / Who Writes Poetry? / Who Watches South…

  • happy houseiversary

    Didn’t sleep very much last night. Woke up early, took a bath, and then watched an episode of House. This is very fitting, as one year ago today, we moved into our own little house.

  • Apoplex, Please!

    Hey, here’s a bad idea: watching this week’s episode of Six Feet Underif you’ve ever had anyone in your life die. Jesus Christ, that was painful. Work went late tonight. Had to cancel dinner plans. We’re officially in production now. One of the things I do miss about my pre-television life is my lunch schedule. Every…

  • push up your glasses.

    It’s been very hard to keep cool when working with all these writers who’ve done things I admire. It’s happened at all three of these last jobs, where I’m sitting, chatting with someone, and part of my brain will suddenly realize he wrote an episode of television that became a memorable Thanksgiving, or he created…

  • A Glamorous Hollywood Lifestyle

    1. You will not be home before eleven. 2. This is because you are at work. 3. When you wake up, it is because you have work to do before you get to work, because there’s so much work you can’t do while you’re at work. 4. Suffer the constant teasing that you’re leaving one…

  • We Need To Talk

    You and I. How should I put this? I’ve been thinking about this conversation for a while now. I want to know the best way to put it to you. Let me try and make it as simple as possible. When I first started this website, I worked for a computer company. Then I worked…