Tag: Dork
Quit While You're Ahead
no more whining So what happens when you complain too much about having to use a dial-up? You lose phone service. For two days. The phones were knocked out all down the street and we got to listen to drilling and digging outside our door all weekend. We finally got phone service again long enough…
Still Waiting
and i’m just trying to not smash my computer This morning I got up early and walked two miles. Yes, I walked with the sun and the breeze and was generally just a happy girl. But that only sounds healthy until I tell you that I walked two miles because I got lost on my…
The Pouty Princess
roasted and toasted Oh, people. I’ve got good friends. I know I have good friends because they said nice things about me last night and made sure I had things to drink and brought gifts and the meanest thing someone could come up with about is is that we’re bad tippers. To be honest, Eric…
Thoughts From Above
on my way to PA. I’m not a big fan of flying. And this morning when I saw it was raining, I was even less of a fan. I don’t think I’ve flown during rain before, and it made me nervous. There’s also something about airports that makes me incredibly sad. All of those people…
How To Throw a Karaoke Party
you never know when you’ll need to know I’m tired of looking for apartments, calling apartments, the word “apartments” and the syllables that make up the word “apartments.” Therefore, I will pass on this bit of wisdom I’ve learned over the weekend. I thought it’d be a piece of cake, just walking up, renting a…
I'm Hideous
not for the squeamish I like to think that I’m a relatively grown-up person who can handle things with a certain level of dignity. Maybe for the most part, I do. But not last night. Not at all.
So Sexy When She Falls
i just need to find someone with a bruise fetish I am really a klutz. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I probably don’t talk about it all the time. But sometimes it just gets out of control and I’m just this jerky-freak girl who’s knocking everything over.