Category: Pamie

  • whatever

    a movie review complete with spoilers (oh yeah, i’m pissed about geek girl films again) (driving into the restaurant last Friday. The same restaurant as the incident where Eric drove my car onto the cement parking lot divider.)

  • paranoid

    living with spies and wooden hands Okay, so I made another mistake on the Super Bowl entry. Pippen now plays for the Rockets. I tell you, it’s hard to keep all of this sports stuff straight in your head. I was at dinner with Eric on Friday night and we were discussing the entry. He…

  • XXXIII rules for XXXIII

    how to fake a football orgasm So, the Super Bowl is on Sunday.

  • size does matter

    i just want to impress you with my length When I was younger I remember daytime television being really interesting. I could watch five consecutive hours of talk shows. Now I couldn’t sit through five minutes of Sally or ten minutes of Ricki before I started looking around the house for something to do. So,…

  • the sounds of silence

    and the madness in my head So, I’m at home. And I’m not allowed to talk. Whenever I do talk, you can only hear a little whisper coming out of me. I feel like the Godfather. Everyone has to lean in to hear me. I’m tired of it, though. I miss my voice. I miss…

  • the road to insanity

    has Vincent Gallo for a tour guide Still here. Can you believe it? I neither killed nor was killed yesterday. And I think there were a few moments there last night were Eric and I were seriously reconsidering the fact that we only have one couch, and one bed.

  • the handshake

    or, how i won five dollars and changed my life I saw Chicago yesterday. Keep in mind I’ve been waiting to see this musical for twenty years, and in my head it is a very lavish and incredible piece of theatre. Somehow it got a bit lost in the translation. I love the first act…

  • denouement

    just before i call my mother. So, the letter. What happened with yesterday’s letter? I got another one, about five hours later:

  • chicks dig me

    must be my golden voice… or my girlish charm I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. My life is never boring. Last night, I became Madonna. I’m not really sure when it happened, or how it happened… okay I guess in retrospect I can see sorta how it happened, but I’m getting ahead…

  • here’s juice in your eye

    and voices in my head. Last night Eric and I were eating at Denny’s. I was watching him squeeze his lemon into his iced tea when I remembered something from a while ago.