Category: Pamie

  • No Labor

    that’s the plan, anyway Late update today. Sorry. Kicking off Labor Day weekend a bit early, which is nice. So, it’s been 104-106 around here every day, which is unacceptable, if you ask me. It causes me to shed.

  • on being funny

    and some hate mail Someone asked me today, “Where do you think your wit comes from?” People don’t generally like that question answered with a joke, so I gave my usual, “I work very hard on it,” answer, but it got me thinking. Where did my funny come from?

  • Carma

    a matter of time, i know. Okay. Deep breath. It was bound to happen. It’s probably a good thing that it happened. It needed to happen, maybe, even, kinda. There is a scratch. On the car.

  • A Quiet Time

    and Taylor checks in. Happy Birthday, Mommy. Hope the new job isn’t working you too hard. So, I mentioned briefly yesterday that I lost my voice. I really lost my voice, though, and I can always tell when it sounds bad because the following always happens:

  • Post Vegas Recap

    with the amount of time i spent in the spa you wouldn’t think it was possible to be this sore I’m back. Best. Trip. Ever. No, really, I had a great time. My mother said to me on our flight into Vegas, “Don’t you think it will be strange meeting a bunch of people that…

  • Waiting for a Cab

    random thoughts littered with vh-1 So, here we are a little over a month into the new We only had to switch domains twice. The forum has only been down once. Is everyone okay? Are you settled in? Any complaints or compliments?

  • Stream of Unconsciousness

    what happens when i’m tired and hungry. I’m not saying this to worry you or make you think there’s something wrong with me. I’m just not hungry at all lately. I forget to eat all of the time, and when I do eat, I’m almost instantly full. I just don’t want any food right now.…

  • Confession #369

    i’m a lousy friend I am a lousy friend. I met Jennifer in the fall of last year. She was an intern at my job, and she quickly became one of my favorite people to hang out with on breaks and stuff. She’d sometimes sit in my office at one computer while I worked on…

  • All Moved In

    and exhausted I have this to say first. If you live in or near Central Austin, and you’re a Weezer fan, click here and give me your mailing address. I’ve got some inside scoop for you.

  • Testosterone, Estrogen and Growing Pains.

    and then a weekend! Okay. Testosterone. I haven’t even owned this Honda Civic for a full day and I’m already convinced that every other driver on the road is trying to kill me. They want to hit my new car and scratch it when I park. I’m almost hoping to get that first scratch or…