Category: Pamie

  • Say It Ain't So

    Rivers Cuomo Breaks My Heart. I was sort of dreading the release of the new Weezer album. Let me explain. I’ve put many hours and days and years into my Weezer love. I was an early fanatic. I had to defend myself when Weezer was called “math rock” or “only for real geeks” or whatever.…

  • wow.

    I didn’t mean to leave you. Okay, so when there’s company here, I find it difficult to sit down and write an entry. But I do like that company keeps me cleaning my house and leaving my house. These are two things I tend to skip when I’m home alone. I sit there, working all…

  • Hey, Hey, Hello

    and goodbye It’s pretty frantic over here today. Ray’s gathering things together for a big proposal and is fixing to go out of town. “Fixing to.” That was just so some of you see I haven’t become totally Hollywood yet. Omar gets here in about three minutes, so I have to keep this quick. Basically…

  • Just Be Nice

    Defending Oprah Well, I’m certainly doing much better today. I’m even well enough to sort through some bills, which are extremely overdue. So, that’s all good. My father called me yesterday because he thought I didn’t call for Mother’s Day and was worried something terrible had happened to me. All I could think was, “Isn’t…

  • I'm Not Right.

    blame the moon. I hate everything today. I woke up grumpy and I don’t know how long I’m going to stay this way. It’s not totally my fault. There’s a car outside that keeps going off. Every half-hour the alarm goes off for fifteen minutes. And right now I can hear some people screaming and…

  • Oh, no.

    company flow It may sound like I’ve been complaining about the amount of company around here lately, but I’m really not. I’m having a great time, and most of it is contained to inside my house. You can’t beat that. Plus, company forces you to clean your house and see things in your city. I’m…

  • to my central texan comedy lovers

    This is all I can do from way out here in LA, but I spent many, many nights at the Bad Dog, and I know some of you have as well. If you ever saw me perform there, saw a show for free, or enjoyed the stories I’ve told that happened while sitting at this…

  • L.A. Fabulous

    mmm. more toast Oh, man. Hi. Here’s the thing. For the past four days I don’t know exactly why or anything, but I’ve sort of given myself this mini-vacation/spring break/party zone thing. I’m still doing my work, it’s not even like I’m slacking, but late at night I’ve been drinking and partying and then I…

  • pretty

    and links I am suffering from senioritis these days. It’s the weather. It’s pretty outside. Very pretty. Sit around in the sun and read kind of pretty. I feel pretty it’s so pretty outside. So, I’m just going to send you off to Mighty Big TV because there’s a brand-new look going on over there.…

  • Sporadic

    explanations Hey, hey, still smoke free. Not that it’s been easy, mind you. I’ve been so self-absorbed that I forgot to mention I had company this week. djb is here and seeing Los Angeles for the first time. (Hey, Mom. He says hi and hopes you’re doing well. He said the plane wasn’t any fun…