Category: Pamie

  • Before Midnight

    Before Midnight

    The background music, the ongoing soundtrack of my late nights for the past five years has been provided by Playstation. Various video game orchestral swells have accompanied many a late-night writing period, or play loudly underneath my brain as I finish a book. Right now World War II is going on behind my head. It…

  • Insignificance

    It feels really silly. This morning I got to drive through the Warner Brothers lot for a meeting, and I squealed like a child when I saw the E.R. set — the ambulance bay and Doc Magoo’s. Then I bounced in the passenger seat when I realized we were next driving through Stars Hollow, the…

  • “Benny Wants to See the Movie Too.”

    I’m off to see Austin Powers in Goldmember in a few hours. I really hope it doesn’t suck. Most likely it won’t, right? And the soundtrack will probably be good, right? I wanted to add a sidenote to the MTV entry from the other day. How is it possible that the Basement Jaxx didn’t get…

  • Why I Should Turn My Computer Off at Night

    From: pamie <> Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:37:27 -0700 Subject: breitney i am drunk and emailing, which is never good. i will now type without going back and editing, which i’ve been doing up until now, which is slowing me down, considerably. i watched crossroads tonight and drank a lot. i love that movie…

  • Best P. Diddy in a Puff Daddy Video

    I will continue to do this to prove that I am not getting older; pop music is just sucking harder these days. I can’t stand this Christian invasion. It’s ruining music! Someone call up Jars of Clay and take notes — how do we get the Christian music to be back on the fringe? How…

  • Twitchy Woman

    I woke up with it two days ago. A tiny twitch in my right eye. It comes and goes — it’s not a constant twitching –but it’s driving me crazy. At first I thought I just needed a cup of coffee. Then I figured I needed three cups of coffee. I was still twitching. I…

  • Love is Strange

    The best thing I overheard the other night: “But that’s literally what he said. The whole letter, right there. That’s literally what he said. I mean, not word-for-word, but pretty much.” It is the most overused word of the decade. “Literally.” Everybody’s literally doing figurative things. I am literally squirming in my seat over my…

  • Late at Night

    I am restless. Restless. Nothing sounds interesting. I tried watching television. Reruns. I tried reading my book. Short stories of Dorothy Parker just aren’t grabbing my attention tonight. I worked out. I cooked dinner. I cleaned. I took out the trash. I’m listening for the neighbors, at this point.

  • Movie Mumbling

    For those of you who have been staying up nights fretting over the state of my laptop, it is now fixed. I have some very smart, very reliable friends. Very patient friends that still talk to me after I call from another country demanding tech support at four in the morning. Friends that miss their…

  • Mama Crazy

    The other night I was watching Sinead O’Connor and realized how much she reminds me of my friend AB. At first glance you think you’re dealing with a tiny woman who probably wouldn’t cause any harm to anybody. Then she opens her mouth and you realize you’ve got a Banshee on your hands. She’s tough,…