Category: Pamie

  • 2.5 Mile

    In honor of opening night for 8 Mile, a little ditty about how I’ve been running my ass off around Silver Lake to look good in my groomsman dress this December. That’s right, I’m a groomsman, and I’ve been listening to Eminem on my runs to keep me motivated. He’s so angry it makes me…

  • Check Out My Bowl, Bitches

    Dear Pamela, Ah, yes. I missed you, too. I’m sorry you will be unable to join us at the 2002 International Society of Poets’ Fall Convention and Symposium in Hollywood, California–the largest and most prestigious poetry event ever held. As you know, you were selected to be honored at this event, and we were looking…

  • One Week Later…

    Sorry. Didn’t mean to abandon you, there. Let’s see. Well, I was pretty busy recapping my butt off for Boomtown and Gilmore Girls. I’m also diving back into my new novel, and I’ll allow myself to be sidetracked in a second to stop working on it, so I’ve been forcing myself to go to coffee…

  • The Blues

    I’d never held a newborn baby before. Maybe that was my first mistake. I didn’t know what I was going to be up against. I didn’t know what I was in for. It wasn’t like I thought this would happen. It wasn’t as if I expected to feel this way. We all know where my…

  • Pity Party

    Originally I was going to just try all of the different suggestions you sent in for my armpit problem. I wanted to write back to each and every one of you and let you know how grateful I was that you wanted to help and to let you know how it went. Well. That was…

  • Proof of Evil

    It is way too early in the morning to be learning lessons, but that’s exactly what just happened to me. I had just cleaned up the entire kitchen and living room first thing in the morning (women out there, I’m sure you know what that means — unpredictable bursts of cleanliness), and I was making…

  • A Big Day

    It’s been one of those days where I haven’t really had time to stop and eat, much less take a moment to collect myself. I haven’t even eaten dinner yet and my day isn’t finished, but I’ve had such a big day that I want to write it all down before I possibly forget anything.…

  • Pretty Pits

    Do you like the new redesign? It’s all because Anna Beth is a good friend who hates looking at an ugly webpage. She did it all herself while I sat on my ass going, “I don’t like that color.” “Fix that.” “Make it work in Netscape.” Anyway, I love it, and I love her for…

  • Robbed. Robbed!

    I don’t remember how it started. I think a phone call from Beat the Geeks, saying that a friend of mine recommended me as a contestant and they were about to start their new season. That had to have been it, because I’ve since been called by other game shows, and they’re always dropping some…

  • Coming Up for Breath

    It’s like I’m coming up for air. I’ve been going non-stop for a couple of weeks now, and I think right now at this moment I’m having my first second of silent, spare time. The fact that I’m filling it with writing an entry instead of finishing my book (I’m reading A Tree Grows In…