Category: Pamie

  • If I’m so famous, then where’s all my money? A guest entry, by djb.

    People, basic cable absolutely loves me. Strive as I may to break free of my fate as “matinee idol of channels well about thirteen,” the camera simply will not give up and turn its gaze in another direction. About a year ago this month, I made the mistake of wowing a television producer into thinking…

  • Diagnosis: Broken

    [scripty] STEE I find it charming that you will diagnose people after hearing only three symptoms. PAMIE I do that? STEE From athlete’s foot to kidney failure. PAMIE I do that. Yeah. I get it from my father. He did that all the time. STEE As if you have a medical degree. It comes from…

  • Sheltered

    I know this is just what I asked for, but it’s a little quiet around here. That’s okay. I’m happy with the lack of phone calls. Even the construction appears to be finished on both sides of the house. I am currently in a familiar Los Angeles pasttime: I’m waiting. It’s an okay kind of…

  • Damn Kids

    It only looks like I took a week off. While I was doing book stuff, the rest of you were busy giving me a big head. Thank you. How broke did we get? Well, for entertainment the other day we spent more than thirty minutes making faces into the living room mirror when we realized…

  • Post Mortem

    The rundown, in case you aren’t hip to the international wire: Page Six. The Netherlands. This one has my favorite headline: “Anne Heche boos om schizofrenie-show.” Check out the splash page of Yep. That’s us. Second favorite headline: “Call Me Angry.” In the print version, you can find us on page 20. The IMDB…

  • Ha. Double ha.

    Ha. Double ha.

    So, if you haven’t heard by now, we made Page Six, shortly after we were an item on Filth. Then we were on all kinds of radio station newsbites. You guys are like my personal press clipping service, and I really appreciate that. How else would I know we made the West Australian? This morning…

  • The Good Dirt

    This will be a collection of links and gossip. Just what you want on a Monday semi-holiday morning, right? I just got off the phone with Scott Thompson’s voicemail. Yeah, that’s pretty cool, huh? I left him a message. You do find this to be more endearing than pathetic, right? I know. It’s pretty sad.…

  • The Fifth Annual Valentine’s Day Entry

    I love you. So much. So very much. and what I’d love to do is figure out a way to tell you that. Some kind of letter or poem that makes you know I love you… Like, when I tell my mom I love her, she just believes me. She doesn’t make me prove it…

  • Exciting

    I don’t even know what this means, but right now my Amazon sales rank is 531. I’m sure it’s from the pre-ordering today and tomorrow it’ll be down to 109,854, but it feels pretty cool to be so close to the top 500 of Amazon. Thanks, you guys, for being so supportive. Your excited emails…

  • You Know What?

    It’s such a tiny phrase. I’m not really sure when it popped up into our daily vernacular, but those three little words are driving me insane. Three tiny words that mean the person about to speak is fixing to sound like an asshole. “You know what?” Oh, it drives me crazy. “You know what?” With…