Category: Pamie

  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered

    Signed, Sealed, Delivered

    People showed up! Huzzah! I had a really great time at the signing on Saturday, and learned that my book, when read over a microphone and amp near children browsing Harry Potter, is incredibly dirty. I didn’t even realize my potty mouth until I eventually had to read the Hugh Grant entry just to keep…

  • Caterwauling

    I do not know what is wrong with my cat. Cal has taken to wailing in the middle of the night. He howls as if he’s on fire, running around the house in the dark, for about an hour. It starts at six in the morning, and many times this week I’ve gotten up, carried…

  • Finally: a Stupid Question

    Sunday night, Henry Fonda Theater, Rilo Kiley. Same band, same place, different celeb. This time I didn’t fondle Jake Gyllenhaal’s arm in a doorway. This time, in the same doorway, I was staring at Paul Rudd. It’s a magical doorway, folks. Try and stand in it, and the boys — they just appear. But my…

  • Picnic

    The idea was simple enough. I wanted to spend part of my Fourth of July like any other American — outside, with a book, eating some food. Some call it a picnic. Back in Texas, we’d call it a cookout. I didn’t need anything fancy. I didn’t even need open flame to cook over. I…

  • Browsing

    Not that I’ve ever had a baby, but I can only imagine that this entire book process is a lot like being pregnant. When the book first sold, over a year ago, I waited a little bit, until I was sure it was true, before telling absolutely everyone. Then people called to check on the…

  • Classy and Glassy

    [scripty]PAMIE I broke a glass. STEE You did? Are you okay? PAMIE Yeah. STEE Where? PAMIE Over the dishwasher. STEE Do you need me to help clean it? PAMIE No, it all fell into the dishwasher, but in big chunks, so I got it all, I think. But none of it fell on the floor.…

  • …and I’ve Bitten Off All My Nails.

    Actual conversation from Wednesday afternoon: [scripty]PAMIE Hello? ANNA BETH Hey. Guess where I am? PAMIE So many possible answers. The back of a truck? ANNA BETH No, fool! I’m at Books a Million in Monroe, Louisiana, and I’m holding a copy of your book! PAMIE That’s awesome! ANNA BETH It’s right here on the shelf!…

  • My First Book Tour

    My First Book Tour

    The Oakland Public Library is writing about us again. Over five hundred books and counting, not to mention the hundreds of books donated to your public libaries across the nation. I have been getting the best email from those of you who have seen the book at bookstores, or who already devoured the book to…

  • The End of an Era

    The End of an Era

    What had me calling up people from across the country while standing on a mostly scary road in Las Vegas Friday night? This. Our beloved Tong’s. Burned. If you’re a close friend of mine, and you’ve been to Vegas with me, chances are I’ve dragged you to Tong’s. It was probably after midnight, and you…

  • Missing Books and Filled Requests

    Last week Simon & Schuster delivered three copies of my book to my house. The first three copies! Of my book! They still haven’t arrived. So I called Airborne Express about three times, only to be told that the driver is sure he delivered the books to my house and put them on my front…