Category: Pamie

  • Blaine Watch, 2003

    Catriona writes: Newest plan by national BBC radio station is to find out when medically he’d be most likely to be hallucinating, then have hundreds of volunteers (who have already texted in their interest in joining this madness) dressed up as him with comedy facial hair, suddenly appear under the box at that time. There…

  • Florida loves blogging

    Less than a month old, and already this blog is getting press. The Sun-Sentinel mentions Why Girls Are Weird in an article on blogging. [thanks to Sarah for the link]

  • My Ex-Boyfriend David Blaine’s Making Such an Ass of Himself

    Oh, to be in London right now. I’ve never been prouder. And how not surprised am I that Harmony Korine is the jag behind this mess? If anybody goes down there, please send photos. I love this story.

  • More like CabOUT Fever…. (sorry).

    The blog wasn’t updated yesterday! That hasn’t happened in the history of the blog. Sorry, neglected, young blog. Sorry. I’m rather swamped with work this week, and spent four consecutive hours yesterday on the phone with meetings, so I ran out of blog-time. And I was wrong about Chris’ birthday, which was yesterday and not…

  • Still his birthday over here…

    Happy birthday, Chris. I watched a Johnny Depp movie today for you. Yes, I did it for you.

  • evany loves me

    And I love her. I spent part of this week pretending I don’t stalk her. Luckily she feels the exact same way about me. Except Evany fails to mention the devil-eyes she gave me when someone asked how we knew each other. Evany stammered for a second, and I said, “It’s okay, you can tell…

  • Scrim? I scrob you.

    Sometimes when Pam and Dan are together, they make bad choices. Today’s bad choice was this. Please don’t go see this movie. We love you too much. And I know the guy’s friends with Kymm’s college roommate and all, but man. Bad movie. Fine. Don’t take our word for it. Take everybody else’s. Best line…

  • Find Don

    Please help Sarah, if you can.

  • “Black”

    As always, Allison says everything best.

  • Magic blog is sad today. Goodbye, John Ritter and Johnny Cash. (Maybe Letterman can name his baby “John”?)