Category: Pamie

  • Blaine Watch

    All great things must come to an end. And so it goes for Blaine Watch. Thanks to Couch Baron for being such a great eyewitness. Here he tells the story of Blaine’s release, and he gets all emotional doing it. And thanks to David’s boredom, soon you can read the book: The first was the…

  • Blaine Watch update

    I love that Couch Baron can walk down the street and give an update.

  • Jeff says hi back to Dan

    Hi Dan!! Why didn’t you tell me that LA was so much fun?

  • playah haytahs

    Jeff would say hi back, Dan, but he’s fallen asleep on my couch. I’m that much fun. When all of you get your books published, I think you’ll find it strange when people decide to review who they think you are as a person when writing their reviews. “Pamie is not a weak writer,”…

  • I’m the only person not at JournalCon.

    stee: My hip hurts this morning. pamie: Is it from going: [smacks hip with fist] “Dammit! I HATE the Yankees!” [repeatedly smacks both hips with both fists] “Why? Why? Why?” stee: Perhaps. Sorry about your loss Dan, stee, Boston, people who root for underdogs, etc. I’ve been a bit absent from the site for this…

  • Notes from the Z-List

    From my sister this morning: YOU REALLY NEED TO UPDATE YOUR WEB PAGE. YOU HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING IN A WHILE. WHAT ARE U UP TO. DID YOU GO OUT OF TOWN OR SOMETHING? She has to type in all caps for her job, and “doesn’t feel like” turning it off to converse with people who…

  • oh, and.

    Dan. I [gerund] [verb] you, because you are the [superlative].


    Real World Melissa is fixing to read Why Girls Are Weird. [thanks, Annie, for the link]. But many of you have sent me this: Between the library and you guys, I figure someone can help poor Calvin to the correct book.

  • Chest Beating Goodness

    My latest Tarzan recap is up.

  • pamie is very tired. and now she’s creeped out.

    I couldn’t sleep last night, and woke up three hours after I finally fell asleep. So, I’m weak and weepy and grumpy. I go to Bookslut for comfort. And what’s her first news item? This crime against the senses, a pact between Celine Dion and Anne Geddes that will surely startle, rattle and frighten us…